Chapter 23

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Over the past few days I made sure too avoid L.J and E.J. For one I didn't like clowns and two if what Clockwork said was true then I wasn't gonna acted like a lost puppy who follows E.J 24/7.
"Did you too break up?" Toby asked randomly as we were in the kitchen.
"What no!" I cried, "we each other some space." The truth was...he didn't actually bother too ask what was going on, in fact I haven't even seen him around.

"If you say so," Toby sighed grabbing a bag of potato chips. We left the kitchen just chatting when I accidentally bumped into someone.
"Oh shit sor-" The Bloody Painter looked at me, his face hidden by his mask. I glanced down at the knife in his hand as he clenched it close.
"Do you mean it?" he asked in a dull blank voice, catch me off guard.
"I...wouldn't have said it otherwise," I replied hesitantly, "I'm not always an asshole."

The grip loosened on his knife, he nodded and walked past me.
"What's his problem?" I asked Toby. He was hesitant, but sighed.
"Everyone here has a shitty backstory," he mumbled glancing through the kitchen door, "The Bloody Painter before he got here was a loner. But he was accused for steal some bitches watch. He began too get bullied but made a friend with this one guy."

"They became close until one day he told Bloody Painter too meet him on the roof of the school. When he got there, his friend confessed saying that he was the one who actually stole the watch. They got into a fight and..." Toby stopped at mid sentence then let out a small chuckle.
"Well," he sighed, "you probably know the rest." How couldn't I, the ending was so obvious.
"BOO!" I jumped glancing around, rolling my eyes seeing Ben.

"Dude what the fuck?" I snapped as he broke into tears of laughter.
"You should've seen your fucking face!" he cackled. He bolted as I chased him around the house. Ben kept on laughing yelling out for help but Toby was snickering. When we were in the lounge room, I grabbed Ben by the hair and yanked him back about too punch him when a voice stopped me.
"What are you guys doing?"

I glanced up and froze seeing L.J looking at us from the couch. I went pale just by looking at him. Fuck, I thought.
"Nothing much," Toby said, "just having fun." At Toby's words a sly grin grew across the clowns face, making me on edge.
"Fun huh?" L.J asked getting too his feet, "then do you wanna play a game then?" For a moment I kinda felt bad for taking him the wrong way, but E.J's warning was still planted in my head.

"A game? I do!" Sally entered the room with Lulu behind her, "what are we gonna play?" I bit my lip from frustration, at this point I'll have too play.
"How about treasure hunt?" L.J declared, "I'll place a box in the woods and the first too find it will win."
"But," I said, "don't you think it's...a little too dark?"

L.J's grin grew bigger at my question.
"That's the fun of it," he laughed, "why? You scared?" Just by this made me pissed, but I made saw it wasn't obvious.
"Nah," I scoffed, "just worried about anyone tripping...except Ben."

So reluctantly we all went outside and waited for L.J too place the box. Sally, Ben, Lulu, Toby and surprisingly Jane and Jeff. They were both fighting saying that the other would win for sure. L.J came back at told us we can begin. Before I could follow the others, L.J stopped me.
"A little hint," he said, "look out in the trees." Too be honest I thought he was fucking with me, but he wasn't!

"Thanks..." I said before walking off into the dark woods. I guess E.J was just being too dramatic, L.J isn't that bad. The others were long gone and I couldn't be bothered too find them, so I went on my search alone. The night sky was a dark galaxy blue stalling glittering stars. It almost seemed like a painting. I kept on looking in the trees in hope too see a box, but too no avail.

This was a waste of time, I thought, I should go back. I turned around and as I was about too head back, something crashed in front on me making me scream.
"Jesus fucking Christ," I shouted, but froze. It was a small shoe package painted in black and white. It was the box! I crouched down too grab it, suspicious by the weight. Is there even anything in it? I though.

However curiosity got the better of me as I slowly opened it. I felt my insides freeze as I looked inside. It didn't have anything in it but a note. It said...
"Got ya." I suddenly felt something smash at the back of my head and everything went black.

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