Chapter 20

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Riley Pov:

I'll admit I've seen fights and have been apart of few but never was I excepting too see this. The guy bleeding the ground was my sister's stupid boyfriend called Ezra (sry if I offended anyone). He was an absolute jerk and would make out with my sister if I ever stepped in the room. Ezra would give her love bites and all that crap and I immediately would leave the room before any nasty shit would happen. Like get a fricken room!

Not too mention that my parents thought he was such a perfect young gentleman and was basically already their son-in-law. I was horrified too see him coughing up blood as the life slowly faded from him but if I was going too be honest...I didn't actually care that it was him.

Y/n Pov:

"What the fuck?" I yelled, "Jeff anyone could walk in!" He just rolled his eyes glancing at me like I was a fricking idiot.
"Everyone out there is just vaping and getting drunk," he snapped, "I was just bored." I smacked my hand on my face as if I was a disappointed parent or something.
"I kinda get that," I scoffed, "but I front of her?"

Jeff glanced at Riley, only realising now that she was there.
"Opps," he said, "mistakes happen." Jeff held up his knife and immediately I knew what he was gonna do. Before he could attack Riley I smacked the knife away from his hand.
"Dude are you kidding?" I cried, "she's a kid!"
"And?" Jeff snapped back.

"Just get out," I cried, "I'll deal with it." I sighed with relief is Jeff scoffed grabbing his knife and leaving the room. I glanced at Riley who got too her feet the moment I took a step close too her.
"Listen too me carefully," I said crouching down too be the same level as her, showing I'm no threat too her, "I want you too run. Go too the cops." Without being told twice, Riley ran. I got up and began searching for E.J and Nina. I eventually found E.J in a corner just watching everyone, and Nina was drinking a bottle of beer.

I walked over too E.J telling him that we had too go. He was confused until I explained that Jeff spilled someone's guts in the kitchen.
"Ok," he said about too take my hand, but I said I had some unfinished business. I went too Nina at told her about what happened and she was pissed.
"Of course he has too ruin the night," she muttered, "what an asshole."

E.J and Nina both waited at the front with Jeff as I went into the kitchen yet again. I went under the kitchen sink and smirked seeing the gas pipe. I grabbed it pulled it as hard as I could until it broke in two. I went into the drawers, finding a lighter. Without hesitation, I lit it and threw it as the pipe, sending huge frames too grow.

I marched out seeing Nina, Jeff and E.J who glanced up at my presence.
"So what happened?" Jeff scoffed. I shrugged my shoulders taking E.J's hand, staring at Jeff.
"Nothing much," I sighed, "they're gonna end looking like your dumbass." Jeff began cursing at me as we all began walking home, the high-pitched screams piercing through the night slowly dying out.

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