Chapter 22

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"E.J," Laughing Jack smiled, "long time no see eh?" E.J's grip tightened around my waist, making me begin too blush.
"Piss off," he snarled, "I know your games."  The clown began too chuckle, giving me a shiver of fear down my spine.
"Just having fun," he scoffed, " no need too be serious." Laughing Jack left the room and E.J began dragging me too his room.

"E.J, you good?" I asked, but he didn't reply, in fact he didn't even say a word. We eventually arrived too his room and I flinched as he slammed the door shut.
"Did he touch you?" he growled glancing at me. I was taken aback by his question but by the question made me fear of what L.J could do.
"N...No," I replied. He sighed with relief, sitting on his bed. What is going on? I thought brushing a hand through my hair.

"I don't want you going close too him," E.J said looking up at me.
"Why." I asked, "is he trouble or something?" I wasn't planning on hanging out with a clown, but I was curious why E.J didn't want me too be around him.
"Just do it," he snapped making me go silent. He hadn't yelled at me for a while, which caught me off guard.
"Whatever," I muttered, storming out.

I went too the library and I slightly felt better seeing Lulu and Clockwork.
"Hi Y/n," Lulu said looking up with a smile. I smiled back sitting down with them at the couch.
"You look like shit," Clockwork stated seeing the crimson begin spark in my eyes. I...was...furious.
"Thanks," I scoffed.
"Is there something wrong?" Lulu asked. I explained that E.J was hiding something and it had something too do with L.J.

"Seriously?" Clockwork scoffed, "too be honest that's bullshit. But I'm not gonna sound kinda clingy." I rolled my eyes, but was I? I wasn't trying to be clingy, all I wanted was too find out why E.J was being so protective.
"Whatever," I muttered as I left the library.

A/n: Hello everyone, I'm sorry that this chapter was short, I've been running out of ideas. Anyways I hope you still enjoyed it.

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