Chapter 26

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I was in Slender's office yet again as we were both yelling at each other. I was basically the only one who actually stood up and yelled at him. I feel like it's either I'm not actually a true member of his proxies or he just has a soft spot when it comes too me. I remember once Ben told me that Jeff tried standing up too Slender and he ended up having his arm shatter like glass. So I guess I'm just the lucky one. This was the 5th fight that day.

"This is bullshit!" I yelled, "it's like you haven't done anything!"
"I already told you!" Slender snapped glaring down at me, "I've been busy!"
"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT?!" I shouted, a voice crack broke halfway through my sentence, "ITS ALREADY BEEN A FUCKING MONTH AND I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I AM!"

"ENOUGH!" Slender bellowed, making me dead silent. He sighed as if he sat back down at his desk.
"Now..." he said calmly but in a cold voice, "I already told you that you should check your old house. There could be something there."
"And I already told you..." I snarled coldly, "that someone moved there ages ago after the "accident" and got rid of all the shit, including anything that could've helped me find out the truth."

After another few minutes of snapping and yelling, he dismissed me and I marched out clenching my fist with anger. I began assuming that he was lying and was just hiding it, I mean...that's what I believed. I went downstairs however before I could even reacted, Ben came running up the stairs too me.
"Hide me!" he cried, racing behind me. Jeff came out from his room as confused as me.
"The fuck is wrong with him?" Jeff scoffed.

Ben suddenly punched him in the shoulder and they both broke into a fight, tackling each other as I stood watching them with even more confusion.
"Guys stop!" I yelled, they both glanced up at me raising an eyebrow.
"Can you just explain what's going on already?" I snapped, glaring at Ben. They both got back up as if nothing fricking happened! Honestly, I sighed.

"They're here," Ben said with a groan of frustration.
"Slender's siblings..." I don't know if it was just me or I took something, cause I wasn't expecting this.
"He has siblings?" I cried as if it was almost impossible, and what shocked me more was I haven't even heard of them this whole time being here.

"Yeah," Jeff scoffed, "and they're all a pain in the ass."
"Bitch it's only Offender!" Ben yelled leaving me dumbstruck. Who?! I headed downstairs only too see three figures, looking similar too Slenderman except...real different. One wore this type of brown sweater vest, a white undershirt and brown pants. Also even though he had no eyes, he wore glasses?

One of the others seemed too be the only one with actual eyes...well, eye sockets at least and a mouth. But the black suit he wears with dots of rainbow colours stands out the most. On his head he wears a black hat with a red stripe on top. And finally we have the only other sibling with a mouth, however no eyes. He wore a black trench coat with a black tie and is mostly portrayed with a well-sculpted and muscular body. Along with this, he also wore a black fedora and a hat. Jesus, I thought, ever heard of a shirt? Just then, the one with the colored dots on his suit glanced around too see me staring at them blankly.

"Hello," he said walking up too me, "you must be new. I'm Splenderman, and you?" He held out his hand too shack mine, I hesitated before taking it.
"Y/n," I said. Before I knew it, the three of Slender's siblings were surrounding me. The one with the sweater was called Trenderman which meant the last one was...
"It's a pleasure Y/n," he smirked taking my hand, "Offenderman." He kisses my hand catching me off guide.

" to," I said taking my hand back the moment he let it go, "so...are you guys all brothers?"
"No," Trender said, "Slender, Splender and Offender are brothers. I'm their cousin." I slowly nodded my head, slightly getting it. Just then, Slender came walking down the stairs and froze seeing his relatives. He let out a groan of frustration rubbing his face.

"What are you doing here?" he moaned making me almost laugh. He sounded like a kid who didn't wanna get up for school.
"Come on Slendy," Offender cried walking up and putting his hand over Slender's shoulder, "I just wanted too see my older brother. We were all thinking we'd hang out tonight. Just a little family time."

"I'm busy," Slender stated. I thought it was nice for his brothers and cousin would wanna hang out with him. My cousins would laugh at me and when I yelled at them too stop they'd run too their parents saying I tried "hitting" them. Then when everyone left, my parents would scold me. So seeing this reminded me of an experience I'd never be able too try. Suddenly an idea popped in my head. If Slender left the mansion, I'd be able too sneak into his office.

"You know that sounds like fun," I said grabbing everyone's attention, "I think you should go Slender. It's been a long week so maybe spending time with family doesn't sound that bad. Don't worry I'll take care of the place." He was about too say something, but Offender stopped him.
"See!" he cried, "even Cupcake here agrees." It took me a second to realize he was talking about me. What the fu-

"Fine then," Slender snapped, "where's Masky or Hoodie?"
"They went out," I lied, too be honest I didn't even know where they were but I knew if they appeared, Slender would definitely put them in charge. Just then, Toby appeared with his bloody hatchet, hearing the conversation.
"Can I be in ch-" he said but Slender suddenly interrupted him.
"Y/n you're in charge."

Toby and me were left speechless as Slender left grumpy with his relatives without another word.

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