Chapter 8

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I froze with shock at his sudden moment, but allowed myself to melt into the kiss. He pulled me by the waist closer too his chest sending butterflies through my stomach. This, I thought, this first kiss. Of course being the emo and the freak that snapped that girl's arm into two meant no one wanted to date me and all that shit and to be honest I didn't really care.

I wasn't interested in love but more interested in school and my education. I didn't bother wasting my time going to parties and all that, well like I was even invited but that's just how I went with it. And now I've kissed someone. After what seemed like an eternity, E.J finally broke the kiss giving me a chance to look at his lower face. He had a smirk across his face, showing sharp white teeth.

I should've been scared or pushed him off me, even though I was similar too him. Instead, I began blushing, making E.J grin. He slid his mask back on and left me in my room alone. I collapsed too the floor covering my face as it grew hot. What the heck just happened?

E.J Pov:

I went back too my room closing the door shut throwing my mask off. I licked my lips at the taste of theirs. The thought of
Y/n's shocked face made me smirk. Cute. I then realized the feeling and sure it was strange for someone- something like me, but...I felt love. Y/n was one else's.

Y/n Pov:

I got too my feet all shaken up, not believing what just happened. I touched my lips at the thought of his touching mine. I went downstairs, seeing a girl around 14 or fifteen talking too Sally. She wore an old tattered school uniform and had small ponytail. She had empty eye sockets, but she glanced up knowing my presence.

When Sally saw me, she got all excited and ran up hugging me.
"Y/n!" she cried with a smile on her face. I smiled patting her on the head, remembering how my Nanna did so.
"Sal!" I cried back. Suddenly, Sally jumped off me grabbing the other girl's arm.
"This is Lulu," she said gesturing for the girl to say hello.

"It's nice to meet you," Lulu replied with uncertainty in her voice. Sally pulled me too sit down and I smiled at the girl.
"It's nice too meet you too," I said. To be honest I thought we weren't gonna get alone or something by the tone in her voice, under we both discovered we both had the same passion in books.

"I usually read every night before heading too bed," she said making me real confused. She had no eyes so how the heck could she see, however I didn't pride into that matter, in fear I'd insult her. Suddenly they both froze looking behind me, before I could ask what I felt something cold and sharp touch my neck.
"Jeff come on," Lulu sighed, "they aren't doing anything."

From behind I could hear Jeff cursing, saying I didn't belong there as I stayed completely still. Suddenly the blade was swiftly removed and as if I was a tv I unpaused getting up. I glanced around frozen seeing E.J gripping Jeff's hand that held the knife.
"The fucks your problem?" Jeff snapped. E.J pushed him away.
"We're not suppose too kill them," E.J snarled, "so stop trying too."

Jeff rolled his eyes at the comment.
"I know Slender said you had too babysit them," he scoffed glaring at me, "but I don't give a fuck." Before E.J could lash out Slender entered the room, glancing around at the scene.
"What's going on?" he asked glancing at E.J and Jeff.

"Nothing," Jeff muttered, storming off. I clenched my fist with anger. I didn't do anything too him and yet he's being an asshole. I sighed rubbing my face, checking the time. Seeing how late it was, I yawned walking too my room. That night, I was able too sleep in peace even after what happened.

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