Chapter 16

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The news spread like wild fire that me and E.J we're officially dating. Fucking Toby kept on teasing me and I'd kick him right in the dick every time he messed with me. Jeff was still an asshole but was slightly nicer to me now. Ben was still the annoying kid that loved playing video games. Sally basically looked up too me and Lulu was a good friend. Jane, Clockwork and me began too talk more and as for Masky and Hoodie I barely actually saw them.

There were others but I decided too keep too a close group. However I got alone with everyone, even if there were fights most of the time.

I had more nightmares, but told no one about them. I just carried on my usual life as always. However like E.J, I did have a craving for human organs. I could still eat normal food but...let's say that human blood is like a vitamin I must take. Me, Ben and Toby were playing video games one evening and I was beating their asses.
"Come on man!" Ben cried at I was cackling with laughter, "how many times have you played this game? I've only played five times!"

"Five?" I cried, "this is my first time dude!" Before we could continue, loud banging came from the front door making us dead silent. No one knows we're hear except...well us, at least that's all I'm away of.
"Who the heck is that?" Toby whispered too me. Yeah, like I wouldn't known.
"I ain't getting it!" Ben protested crossing his arms.
"Not it," Toby said, leaving me.

"Fuck you guys," I snapped getting up too open the door. I was honestly shocked when I saw this chick. She had long black hair in a ponytail and a purple, pinkish hood. The only thing that made me confused was the permanent smile she too had like Jeff.
"Uhh...who are you?" I asked kinda thinking that they were a relative or something. The girl smiled grabbing my hand and shaking it.

"The names Nina," she said looking at me, "I can see you're new!" Before I could even react she walked right past me into the mansion. Well that just happened, I thought following her. When Ben and Toby saw her I thought they were gonna get pissed at me for letting a stranger in but instead they just groaned.
"Why the fuck are you back?" Toby cried.
"Because I wanna see my boyfriend," Nina snapped glaring at them, "haven't you changed since the last I saw you?"

Just then, Clockwork walked in hearing Nina and the two boys yelling.
"What's going on?" she mumbled too me.
"I honestly have no clue," I whispered back not being able too take my eyes off this stranger. She was so sassy and acting like she was a queen. It was so weird. Jeff suddenly stormed in real pissed.
"Oi what's going-" he yelled but froze when he saw Nina.

He almost looked scared, but Nina's face lit up.
"Babe," she cried running up and jumping right onto Jeff. What the fuck is happening? I thought scratching my head.

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