Chapter 3

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E.J and me headed upstairs and opened a door leading into a bedroom. It had a bed, desk, bookshelves and with slight happiness, books.
"Thanks," I said, but he just scoffed.
"Don't thank me," he snarled, "thanks too Slender you're still breathing. You would've been dead otherwise." With that, E.J slammed the door behind him, making me jump.

I scoffed with disbelief.
"What a dickhead," I muttered. I grabbed one of the books and sat at the desk.
"The Girl From the Well," I read opening the book, beginning too read this horror tale.

E.J Pov:

I slammed the door behind me with disgust. One moment, they were gonna be my next prey and the next they're living under the same roof as me. I went back downstairs seeing Ben playing video games and when he saw me, he ended up with tears of laughter on the ground.

"I heard what Slender said too you," he chuckled getting up from the floor, "you have too babysit the newbie." I rolled my eyes.
"Shut the fuck up," I muttered, "where is Slender anyway?" Ben shrugged his shoulders.
"I don' know," he scoffed, "in his office maybe. Why, are you gonna ask to kill them?"
"None of you're god damn busy," I snapped matching off in search of Slender. Fortunately, I knocked on his office door and his voice came from underneath.

"Enter," it said. I walked in seeing Slender doing paper work. It was either the newspaper and highlighting what we've done or some shit like that.
"Is there something you need Jack?" he asked not looking from his desk. I couldn't believe he was so calm when I was boiling with rage, however I kept my cool seeming I apparently coursed enough trouble already.
"They're not human are they." I said. Slender froze dead when the very words came from my mouth.

"Who?" he asked proceeding too do paper work. I can't believe this guy! I thought clenching my scalpel in my pocket.
"You know who," I snapped, "L/n or whatever. They're not human, why would you let them stay otherwise?" Slender finally glanced up from his papers staring dead at me.

"They're something more than a human," he said, "and I want too find out what. If Y/n's like us then they'll stay. However if they're a threat...we'll kill them."
From behind my mask, an evil smirk grew across my face.
"Ok," I said leaving without another word. However I still didn't understand. Why let them stay and get stronger. Threat or not, the best option is to kill them. But yet...they reminded me of something...but I didn't know what.

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