Chapter 6

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After having a short conversation with the two, I checked the time shocked seeing it was already 7pm. I was about too head upstairs when I saw E.J walking too the front about too leave.
"Hey," I called. He glanced around still wearing his mask but I could tell he seemed pissed too see me.
"What do you want?" he snarled.

I just ignored his snobby comment and asked where he was going.
"To do my job," E.J snapped. After everything that I've been through in that mansion I... I already knew what they did and why there are many murders. I could just call the cops on them and all that but...why bother when everyone deserved it?

"Can I come?" I asked, rolling my eyes when he chuckled at my comment. It was as if I said a little joke but when he realised I was dead serious he just scoffed.
"No," he said, "you're staying here." I was mad at this.
"Then stop me," I said walking right passed him. After a minute or so on waiting for him, E.J came marching out, holding another black hood.

"Put this on," he muttered throwing it at me. I grinned at my small victory and put on the hood as we both wonders the night together.
"Do you mind if we stop somewhere?" I asked in hope he said yes and too my shock he actually agreed. So I told him the address of where I wished to go. The address of my parent's place.

We just walked in silence and I'm small moments, I glanced at his masked face. I had the urge to just rip it off revealing what he truly looked like, but before I could continue too pride into that idea E.J stopped dead in his tracks.
"We're here," he muttered.

I glanced up and my stomach twisted just seeing my old home. It seemed the same as I left it. I asked E.J if he could wait outside, cause I needed too deal with a little pest only.
"Whatever," he muttered. I honestly thought he was being stupid. What if I was terrified and was pretending too be calm? What if I went inside and called the cops? Did he not suspected that could've been bad to leave me alone.

I wandered off too the side of the house and I smirked seeing that my window was still open. Luckily there was a water tank that always helped me climb up, so I did that and hopped inside with a small thud. When I got up glancing around my room, it was remained untouched. Before I did anything else, I put on a face mask in case anyone from outside saw me. Suddenly, my door burst open and my Mum and Dad came rushing in.

I was taken aback when my Dad held a shotgun right at me.
"Who are you?" he yelled. I ignored his question exploring my old room. I smirked at the little idea that just came too mind.
"Who's room is this?" I asked in a deeper voice, hoping they wouldn't recognise it, "you have a kid or something?"

I wanted to know what the answer was and how they felt, but I their reply made me feel disappointed. I was hoping they'd say something like "we did but...they're gone" and have a mix of sadness in their voices, however I was met with the opposite.
"We don't have a kid," my mother snapped glaring at me. I felt my blood begin too boil and my eyes twitching non-stop, my parents stepped back at me in shock. I glanced too my side at my old mirror and froze dead when I saw my eyes change too that crimson I saw in my dream.

I glared back at my parents slowly taking off my hood and mask. They were horrified too see me.
"So you don't have any kids?" I continued, smirking, "well that's good too know. No one will miss you."
"You're sick," my father snapped, "you're a mon-" I kicked him sending him flying into the wall before he could finish that sentence I alway heard.

I walked out glaring down at my father, kicking him in the stomach. I glanced at my mother who was pale and couldn't move.
"Tell me," I cried with a huge grin, "am I a monster?" She just stared deep into my crimson eyes, horrified by my words. I began kicking my father in the face repeating the question over and over again until she answered.

She was about to say something but no words came out of her mouth.
"Come on Mum," I laughed glancing down at my father's face, "come on Dad. Say it! Am I a bloody monster?" With all my strength I stomped on his face, and a loud crack made the night pin drop silent. I lifted my boot seeing my Dad laying lifeless on the ground, his face squished like a watermelon.

I glanced at my mother who didn't dare to move. I slowly walked up too her, putting a hand on her shoulder, making her flinch.
"This should be an easy question now," I said with a polite smile, " Come on you've said it a million times, so why not now?" My mother just gazed at her once annoying, bratty child, now a coldhearted murderer.

I sighed with disappointment.
"How sad," I said, suddenly grabbing her throat lifting her off her feet. She began struggling trying to rip my hands off, however the more she tried the more excited I got. I clenched throat harder and harder until I heard a loud snap. My mum stopped struggling in that moment. I dropped her lifeless body to the ground, glaring down at both of my dead parents.

I began chuckling and that chuckling broke to a seizure of laughter. After this whole time of their torment it was finally gone, I was finally awake.
"Y/n." I spun around sharply seeing E.J standing by the window looking at the mess I made. I look deep into those empty black pits in his mask.
"I did it," I said, " I'm finally free." Suddenly I became lightheaded and gravity got the better of me. I was sent collapsing to the floor and the last thing I remember from that night was E.J catching me.

 Bloody Romance | Eyeless Jack x Reader Where stories live. Discover now