Chapter 12

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Y/n Pov:

That night, I was heading too bed when I heard whispered coming from the library. I pecked in seeing everyone chatting...

about me.

"They're in our fucking way," Jeff snapped, "what do you think Masky?" I was dead silent as I watched them continue their chat.
"I don't have an opinion on them," Masky sighed, "the only person that seems too not like them is you."

"If Y/n can piss Jeff off than I like them," Jane declared as Jeff gave her the death stare. Than everyone began talking about what stuff they liked about me and the small details that seemed too slightly piss them all. All except E.J.
"You have too fucking babysit them," Jeff scoffed, "surely there's something you've gotta hate about them." I grew curious after what's happened the past few days.

E.J sighed, pulling off his hood showing his chocolate hair.
"What's my opinion got too do with anything?" he scoffed, "I don't have anything too say about them?" I don't know why but at his words make me feel...sad? After he fucking kissed me and all that shit he's got nothing too say? Sometimes I wonder what's going on in everyone's head. But I stayed too hear more.
"You've gotta be fucking with me?" Jeff laughed at the comment, "they've been in your way this whole time. Come on man..."

E.J hesitated before answering.
"I...don't like Y/n," he said making the blood drain from my face. Before I could hear more I ran off. He's been fucking playing with me, I thought tears beginning too form in my face, god dammit. I'm so stupid. When I closed my door, I couldn't help but allow the tears too fall down my cheek. For once after years I never felt more heartbroken, even after my Nanna's death. Suddenly a sharp knock broke my sobbing.

"Y/n you there?" E.J's voice asked sending a shiver down my spine, "open the door, now." I scoffed wiping my tears away.
"Go away," I snapped crawling underneath my quilt, "I'm not in the mood."
"I don't give a shit," he snapped coldly, "open it." Suddenly, I heard the door burst open and E.J walking in. My heartbeat went faster as the door closed and E.J sitting at my side.

"I saw you walking off and wanted too check on you," he said, "you seemed upset." I glanced up at him, looking at him. He still wore the mask.
"I'm fine," I muttered glancing away, "just leave...please." I just wanted too me alone, but nope. Dreams don't come true.
"Just tell me," E.J insisted. His voice changed from a nagging angry tone too a soft gently voice.

I glanced back at him, a single tear running down my face.
"Do you hate me?" I asked, "were you using me or something?" I could tell E.J was shocked by my words.
"Why would I hate you?" he asked making me all confused I sat up staring at him.
"You literally said "I don't like Y/n" so can you explain that?" I said, irritated at this point. He hesitated before answering, trying to think.

"What did you hear?" E.J asked, his tone changing too dead serious, making me even more curious.
"I...heard Jeff talking shit," I scoffed, "then how everyone disagreed and than said you didn't like me. Am I wrong?" E.J seemed pissed at my words glancing down at the ground, I heard him mutter something but it couldn't make out.
"I said I didn't like you," he answered, "but you didn't hear me finish."

The next thing he said made my heart skip a beat.

"I love you."

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