Chapter 17

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"I already told you," Jeff yelled pushing Nina off, "I'm not your fucking boyfriend!" She rolled her eyes crossing her arms.
"As usual you're in a grumpy mood," she scoffed. I couldn't help myself, I had to ask. Cause if Jeff was dating her I was gonna give all my respect too Nina.
"Wait are you guys actually dating?" I asked pointing at the two of them.

Jeff laughed as if I made the funniest joke.
"Don't be stupid," he cackled, "she thinks we're dating. I could do better than this bitch!" I was expecting Nina too begin crying or some shit like that, instead she gave him a nice cold slap across the face.
"Why do you have too be so fucking rude," she snapped glaring at Jeff, "can't you acknowledge that I love you?"

At that moment, I promised myself too never acted like that too E.J. I may be annoying but no one likes a bitch. Just then, Hoodie walked in and rolled his eyes seeing Nina.
"So you're back," he muttered.
"Why is everyone pissed too see me?" Nina cried, "the only person that's hasn't been an asshole is them!" And pointed too me.

Just then, Slender walked in hearing the big fuss. And like everyone else, he didn't seem too keen too see Nina either.
"So you've come back?" Slender said. Nina crossed her arms glaring at him.
"Look I just came too see Jeff," she stated, "I'm not gonna stay in this dump for long." With that she marched off bumping into E.J as he came in.

"Good luck with her," Ben scoffed glancing at Jeff. He cursed under his breath storming out of the room as well. E.J walked too my side as I just froze with confusion.
"I still don't know what's going on," I admitted. One moment, I was beating the sit out of Toby and Ben in a video game and now some chick just walked in like she was the boss. I'm surprised Slender hasn't killed her, I thought.

"Let me make it clear," E.J said, "Nina's basically a fan girl." That basically summed it all up. But...Jeff? Anyway, I went too my room after that and began cleaning up. I always clean up my room, but basically in a day I becomes messy again. Just then, my door burst open making me jump.
"Jesus christ," I yelled turning too the dick who didn't knock, but slightly cooled down seeing it was Nina.

"Oh shit, sorry," she said, "I forgot where the bathroom was." For being obsessed with Jeff, I thought she was gonna acted the exact same as him. But she didn't have too google an apology.
"Nah it's alright," I sighed. I offered too show her and she agreed. As we walked together she wouldn't stop yapping on about Jeff and random stuff.
"I don't get why Jeff is so mean," she muttered, "like, I only care about him and yet he acts just like Jane, but even she isn't that rude. A damn stranger could even spit out an apology. Oh that reminds me, I didn't catch your name."

"Right ok." When we got too the bathroom, I made the dumbest excuse just too get away from her. God what a little prick, I thought. I went downstairs too the kitchen and smiled seeing E.J sitting at the table.
"Hi," I murmured pulling out a chair, sitting by his side. E.J smiled, running his fingers through my hair.

"You look tired," he stated. Could you blame me? Nina wouldn't stop talking about Jeff, and it was Jeff she was talking about. Not too mention that it was pretty late. I felt my heart skip a beat as E.J lifted me into his lap. I got flustered at this sudden movement. E.J chuckled and connected his lips too mine. I melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt relaxed but suddenly gasp as I felt E.J's hand slide under my shirt. Before anything could happen a loud squeal made both of us jump.

We glanced up and glared at Nina who looked excited.
"Omg are you two dating?" she cried, "I never thought you would be the one too date E.J! Hey I've got an idea! Why don't you two, Jeff and me all go out on a double date!?"

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