Chapter 15

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"Ah Y/n," he said. The sound of my name made E.J flinch.
"Is there something you needed?" I asked slightly hoping E.J would turn around.
"Nothing in particular," Slender said getting up from his desk, "I just found out you and Jack were dating." My face went a dark shaded red as he walked past me.

"Don't make a mess of my office," he ordered closing the door behind me making my eyes widen, still having E.J's mask. E.J covered his face, trying too hide himself.

I walked up behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Turn around," I said, "please." He shock his head not daring too move. I could see him, except his eyes and he didn't looked deformed or anything.
"Please?" I begged, "I promise I won't make fun of you."

"It's not that," E.J muttered, "I'm afraid of your reaction." I raised an eyebrow at his words.
"How are you afraid..." I said, "when you won't even know it?" E.J hesitated before letting out a heavy sigh.
"Fine," he said turning around too face me, "but don't...scream."

Slowly, he removed his hand from his face and my breath hitch as I gazing at him. He had black liquid poring from his empty eye sockets as he looked at me. But even without eyes he looked...really hot.
"W-What happened?" I asked. E.J sighed looking away.
"Some people kidnapped me," he said, "and used me as a sacrifice too be the son of some kind of demon thing."

"They ripped out my eyes and poured some black liquid in my sockets. I killed them all after that. Everyone calls me E.J cause I'm known as...Eyeless Jack." I then realized why he didn't want too answer my questions about himself, he didn't want me too know. He scoffed scratching his head.
"I know," he sighed, "it's disgusting." That made me pissed. Without even thinking, I pulled him into a hug.

"You aren't disgusting," I snapped, "so don't tell yourself that." He may have had no eyes, but he didn't look like a monster. It actually seemed more like realistic makeup. E.J hesitated before giving in too my embrace. When he pulled away he rubbed my cheek with his palm sending butterflies in my stomach as he pulled me into a kiss. I wanted too melt. I gasped as I felt E.J's tongue suddenly enter my mouth. It felt like my stomach was about too burst.

I walked back, leaning against the wall as I felt E.J wrap his arm around my waist. I placed my hand on his face. We took a moment too breathe and he smirk.
"Wanna go too my room?" he asked gently playing with my hair. I felt my heart skip a beat at his words. I nodded at he took my hand and a slight shiver ran down my spine hearing his door close behind me.
My eyes slowly fluttered open after the long night. I glanced at my shoulder seeing small love bites making my face go crimson. I glanced up seeing E.J still sleeping holding me in his arms. He wore this dark grey t shirt instead of his normal black hood. He smells good, I thought smiling.

I gasped when I felt him pull me in closer.
"Morning," he said looking down at me. I got flustered and put my face onto his chest, trying too hide.
"M-Morning," I mumbled trying too slow down my heartbeat. The sight made him chuckle as he began playing with my hair.

"I've got a question," I said looking back up, "are now...?" This question just made him smile.
"If you want too," he said. I smiled and rested my head back down, falling asleep again.

 Bloody Romance | Eyeless Jack x Reader Where stories live. Discover now