Chapter 14

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Jeff was mortified to see me.
"Why the hell are they doing here?" he snapped at Slender. I walked up slapping him across the head.
"I was just gonna ask the same thing," I snarled as we both glared at each other. Even though I tried for a whole week, Jeff never seem to soften up.  So I decided to just be his nemesis.         

But hey, if he wasn't gonna be nice to me then I wasn't gonna be nice to him.
"Enough," Slender said, "Y/n, you and Jeff are both gonna do work together. Tonight." I froze with shock.
"What why?" Jeff snapped, "I don't wanna deal with them!"
"Because I said so," Slender growled beginning to lose his temper. Jeff groaned at this news like a bloody five year old.

"Imma fucking slash open your throat," Jeff snarled glaring at me. I rolled my eyes at his snobby comment.
"Trust me," I snapped, " The feelings mutual!"
"I SAID ENOUGH!" Slender yelled making us both dead silent, " I said I want you too do work together. And don't kill each other, otherwise I'll kill the both of you." Reluctantly, we agreed. I grabbed my grey hoodie, however this time not getting a mask and we both headed out.

Me and Jeff left the mansion and wondered alone in the dark woods. As we did, Jeff kept on cursing under his breath.
"Jeff-" I said.
"What do you want?" he yelled glaring at me.
"Jesus!" I cried, "fuck me for wanting too ask something!"

"Just say it already!" he snapped. I sighed rolling my eyes.
"What did I do too make you hate me?" I asked, "and don't say "cAuSe YoUr AnNoYiNg" because I didn't do shit when we met." I wanted to laugh when Jeff's took longer than expected.
"Can we at least try to get along?" I continued, "cause it'll be easier for the both of us."

Jeff thought I was actually being stupid for a moment and then realized I was being dead serious.
"Whatever," he mutter, "what do you like doing for fun then?" To be honest I wasn't expecting him to actually agree too all this so it kinda made me happy.
"Mostly reading," I said, "but Ben's been dragging me too play video games."

We actually ended up having a decent conversation and we didn't yell at each other once. We arrived in the town and Jeff decided too show me "how it's done". As silent as possible, the both of us snuck inside this window of a house and crept upstairs too this large bedroom.
"Stay here," Jeff ordered and reluctantly I did so as he slowly walked up to the two sleeping adults in the bed. Before I could tell what was happening, the woman screamed as Jeff stabbed her repeatedly over and over.

She crying slowly died down as she went lifeless on the bed. I would've slit her throat. As Jeff walked over, intending too do the same to the husband, he suddenly grabbed the lamp from his bedside smashing it across Jeff's head. Jeff collapsed too the floor and the man got up from the bed racing too the door and burst it open.

Only too come across me.

He froze in horror backing away from me. The pure fear in his eyes made me grin, unfortunately the game wouldn't last forever.
"I've got a question for you sir," I said slowing walking towards him, feeling the Demon inside me slowly crawling out. His face went pale as my eyes slowly drained from white you black.

"Am I a monster too you?" He tried too speak, however no sound came out, it was amusing to my eye.
"Choose," I snapped coldly starting too get irritated, until he finally spoke.
"N-No," he said, "you're not a m-monster." I Rose an eyebrow staring at him expressionless. It was kind of obvious.

"Then why are you scared?"

Suddenly, he began coughing repeatedly as blood melted from his mouth. He couldn't hold himself as he fell too the ground struggling to breathe, with Jeff standing behind him holding his bloody knife.
"You fucker," he snarled glaring at the man before lifting his knife prepared to end him, however I grabbed his rist at the last moment.

"Let's leave him," I stated glancing down at the man, tears flowing down his cheeks, "he'll bleed out." Jeff seemed hesitant, but he agreed.
"Actually..." I said, "I've got a better idea."
After we did all our... little game with the man, we went back to the mansion laughing and just having a good time. Maybe Jeff isn't so bad after all, I thought. When we got back inside Sally literally tackled me to the ground with a hug.
"Y/n, Slender wants too talk too you again!" she cried. I think the little messenger and went back to Slender's office.

I was gonna knock but entered seeing the door open. Slender was sitting at his desk and E.J was facing him. My heart skipped a beat seeing his mask in Slender's hands.

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