Chapter 2

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"Who the hell are you?" a guy yelled. He had long black hair and his skin was pale like a ghost, but too my horror he had a permanent smile carved too his face and bloodstains on his white hood.
"I-I'm Y/n," I said looking at everyone. They all had something strange about them, it was kind of exciting like a movie.
"You little shit," a voice came from behind me.

I glanced around and almost screamed seeing a masked man. He was wearing a blue mask and I couldn't see anything but black behind the eyes and he wore a black hood.
"E.J did you lead this human here?" the white hooded man snapped. Human? I thought, and what is he talking about. I just heard-
"Wait a minute," I said glancing at the masked man, "it was you in the bushes?"

It was kinda obvious that no one had any idea what was going on and neither did I, but suddenly the white hooded man got up from the couch he began corning me.
"How did you find this place?" he snapped pulling something from his pocket. I felt a shiver down my spine seeing that it was a huge kitchen knife and he pointed it too my throat.
"I ran into it," I answered, keeping my eyes on the blade, "I didn't even know there was a mansion here."

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" My eyes shot up from the blade too the owner of the voice and the colour from my face drained faster than a sink. Standing in the room was a man 15 feet tall with tentacles spreading out from his back. He wore a black suit and his face...well he didn't have a face at all!
"A human," the white hooded man snarled pushing me forward. On moment, I was being chased by the cops and the next I'm in a mansion filled with either people or something else.

The faceless man glanced down at me. I knew he didn't have a face, but I could tell what expression he was using, and at this moment it was...confusion.
"Come with me," he said walking off. I blinked with shock uncertain of what I was meant to do. So I followed the faceless man. The mansion was pretty big and there were a lot of bedrooms. The tall man stopped at this door and entered, and with uncertainty I've followed behind.

It was an office with books and everything. The tall man sat down at the desk and I stood in front.
"Tell me your name, age and background," he said coldly. When he said background I kind of assumed he meant like...past or something so I just went with it.
"I'm Y/n L/n, I'm 19 and I live with my parents," I said, hoping that's all he wanted, "may I ask who you are?"

He glanced up at me and I can tell he seemed pissed, but he sighed. How the heck can he talk?
"Slenderman," he muttered, "Slender. However I'm not done yet. So what are you?" At first I thought I didn't hear him probably or he was joking, but he was dead serious.
"This game that you are playing is pathetic," he continued, "I know you are not human." I'm not...human? I thought.

However I began too understand. When I was 12 and I broke the girls arm in two and it felt as easy a breaking a lead pencil, too others it would've been like breaking a large tree branch. Also when my leg began healing real fast. Of course no ordinary person can do that! And...I think blood is suppose too taste... metallic.
"I...don't know," I sighed. Slender seemed interested by my reply and leaned back in his seat.

"Tell me Y/n," he said, "do you enjoy living with your parents?" I was taken aback by this comment, but I didn't answer. Slenderman scoffed getting up from his seat. From the corner of my ear I could hear him mutter "that's what I thought". I followed him again into the lounge room and there wasn't as many people there anymore, except for the blue masked man.
"Jack," Slender said, "this is Y/n and I want you too take them too one of our spare bedrooms." The masked man, now I knew as Jack didn't seem happy by the tonne in his voice.

"Why the hell do I have too?" he snapped. Slender didn't seem happy about his attitude. Is he like the boss? I thought.
"Because you were the one that lead them here," Slender snarled, "and I wasn't asking." Slender left the room leaving me here with Jack. He cursed under his breath and left the room, me quickly following him close behind.

It was so awkward the dead silence, so...I tried bring up a conversation.
"So..." I said, "you're name is Jack?" He didn't answer at first or even look at me. He's real pissed, I thought.
"E.J," he muttered, "there are more than one Jack here." I wanted too ask why E.J, but I thought the less I talked the better.

 Bloody Romance | Eyeless Jack x Reader Where stories live. Discover now