Chapter 21

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The next morning I smirked seeing my work on the news.
"Over 15 civilians died in the fire," it said, "and 6 as severely injured." Toby hopped onto the couch and groaned.
"I wish I went," he grumbled with jealousy, "that would've been fun!" I kick his knee glaring at him.

"Keep your voice down!" I snapped, "Slender doesn't know." Toby laughed just give me a stupid fake apology and continue watching the news with me. Hoodie came into the room glancing at us.
"Y/n," he said, "Slender wants too have a word." My stomach twisted just hearing his name.
"Again?" I asked getting too my feet, "do you know what it's about at least?" Hoodie just shrugged.

"Maybe about the stunt you played last night," he said glancing at the TV behind me, "cause he did seem pissed when he asked me to get you." I brush my hands through my hair muttering a curse under my breath before going back to Slender's office. And as I did Enter the shivering down my spine seeing he was not pleased.
"Y/n," he growled, "can you explain too me this?" And slammed the newspaper on his desk showing the "accident" that I was involved in.

"Uhh..." I mumbled, "...bonfire maybe?" He slammed his hand down on the desk getting to his feet.
"Don't play dumb!" he bellowed, " how the hell did this happen? You only like supposed to kill one or two people. Not bloody 20!" He kept on going on about how reckless my action was but I thought that was so unfair.

"It was Nina's fault!" I snapped, " she was the one who brought me there anyway. And I had to kill everyone because Jeff was a dumbass and killed someone in front of a girl!"
"Well you should've killed her!"

"That would be child abuse for killing a kid who doesn't even know math!" It went dead silent as we glared at each other. Slender sighed as he sat back down.

"Never mind," he declared, "that wasn't even the issue." I raised and eyebrow with confusion. The fuck...
"Some of my proxy's left when you arrived," he said.
"Ok and?" I asked. I know they'll probably hate me at the beginning but... I was able to become friends with Jeff! So what was the big fuss?

"I just thought you should at least be warned," Slender continued. I nodded after he dismissed me. How many more are there? I thought. I went too E.J's room hoping that he was there but unfortunately wasn't.

I burst into Ben's room and he fell off the bed.
"What the fuck?" he yelled glaring at me, " have you ever heard of knocking?"
"Do you know where E.J is?" I asked ignoring his snobby comment, "he's not in his room so I'm curious." Ben just rolled his eyes getting too his feet.
"How should I know?" he snapped, "haven't seen the guy since yesterday."

I rolled my eyes and continued my search around the mansion. When I got downstairs, but hesitated seeing three strangers. Assuming that they were the others Slender talked about, I slightly tensed up. To them seemed okay, on wore this mask with a painted smile on it. He had black messy hair and wore a blue jacket. He held a sketchbook, and a knife.

The other guy was slightly different. His skin was greyish and had glowing yellow eyes and teeth. He to have a long black hair like Jeff but wore a beanie, jeans and a long jacket. But the other guy was real freaky. No he didn't have a permanent smile, nor with his eyes gouged out. But instead he was dressed as a clown.

He wore black and white and left ten times more scary than Pennywise, and he isn't even real! And he was about The same height as Slenderman. They were chatting with Masky and Toby until they saw me.

"Who are you?" the guy with the blue jacket asked. Okay I will be honest, him and the other freaky guy with the glowing yellow eyes weren't that bad... But I can't deal with clowns.
"Y/n," I replied walking up too them, trying not to glance at Pennywise's depressed brother, "and you are?"

"The Bloody Painter," he replied. It was either that with his name that everyone used or he just basically hated me, "this is the Puppeteer." The Bloody Painter pointed over too the the one with the beanie making me realise that that was just the names they want to be called. What is steel made me curious because I wanted to know their real names... well the name is before.

"Yeah forget to introduce me." I finished just hearing the sound of his voice as a glanced up looking at the clown.
"And you are?"  The clown gave me a small smirk, showing his sharp white teeth.
"The names Laughing Jack," he said extending out his hand shake mine. Everything certainly click when he told me his name. So he's one of the other Jack's, I thought.

I slightly hesitated, but as I was about to take his hand someone pulled me back away from him. I glanced around shocked too see E.J. He wasn't wearing his mask and his empty black eye-sockets glared at Laughing Jack.

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