Chapter 28

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"Shit, you good E.J?" Ben asked hoping off the couch. I couldn't think nor move, it was as if time stopped.
"I...I..." No matter how much I tried too speak, emotions began too clog my throat preventing me too even make a sound. I slowly took a step back. I...hurt him...I hurt the one person I love most in the world. Dad was right, I thought, we are monsters...

I glanced around at everyone and they were giving me this empty expression showing...discomfort. I was wrong...I didn't belong there. I don't belong
anywhere...I'm...nothing. I ran too the front and swung the front door open.

I ran.
As I got lost deeper and deeper into the woods, voices began too echo in my head as the memories flashed across my eyes.
"You're sick!""Freak!" "We don't have a kid!" "You're the one making this mess!" I collapsed too the ground, covering my ears.
"J-Just stop it!" I cried. However it just got louder and louder until it was screaming in my ears.

"Y/n." I froze as the ringing stopped by that voice who broke it. It was serious but gently...and familiar. I glanced up, but no one was there. I'm going crazy, I thought scratching my head.
"Y/n it me..." I turned around sharply but again, there was no one. I turn forward and froze seeing a figure in the distance. It looked familiar...

"I'm sorry..." it said, "I really am. You...are the best kid I could've asked for and I just...treated you badly." Suddenly I recognize the voice I knew who it was.


Suddenly, a hand touched my shoulder making me flinch.

I looked behind me and froze.
"E.J..." He wasn't wearing his mask, revealing the scratch mark I gave him. Before I could say anything he pulled me in his embrace.

E.J Pov:

"Y/n you can tell me. You know I-" Just then, Y/n suddenly slapped me across the face. I covered my face glancing into their eyes. They were crimson and filled with anger, but also betrayal.

"Shit, you good E.J?" Ben asked, but I didn't listen. I was too concentrated on Y/n. Their eyes suddenly began normal again and looked horrified.

It was like they were in a trans...and just awoken. They ran and opened the door, then ran into the dark night. As they did this, a piece of paper fell from their pocket.
"The fucks their problem?" Jeff scoffed. I just got up and picked up the paper. As I read it, things began too make more sense.

"Slender you fucking idiot!" I yelled, putting Y/n's grandma's note in the pocket of my hood before running out after them. The wind whispered in my ears as I ran, the night cold and dangerous as alway. My pace at running went slower and slower until I began walking at a slow pace. They couldn't have gone far, I thought.

"Just stop it!" I glanced to my right only too see someone down on their knees covering their eyes. Tears falling down their cheek. Y/n...

They suddenly turned their attention too their right as if someone called them. They slowly got too their feet not looking away from their right. Suddenly, they spun themselves forward again like someone called them, still not noticing me.

I couldn't take it. I walked up too them putting a hand on their shoulder, flinching at my touch. Y/n glanced around and was surprised too see me, like it was years.
"E.J?" I pulled them close into a hug.

Y/n Pov:

"I-I'm...I'm so sorry," I said hugging back.
"It's alright," he said but I didn't let him finish.
"No it's not," I cried pulling away, "I...I hurt you. I was angry and just snapped. You were only trying too care for me but I was so pissed off. It wasn't right and-" Before I could continue E.J pulled me close and kissed me.

He put a hand at the back of my neck and rapped his other arm around my waist. When he broke the kiss all I could do was gaze at him.
"I don't care about that," he said, "all I care about is if you're ok." I just gazed at him, shocked but...also happy. Just then, laughter came from the woods, grabbing both of our attention.
"Campers?" I asked shocked too even think that a group of high teenagers would wanna camp there in all places.

"Hey Y/n," E.J said pulling my chin too face him, "wanna play a game?" From the tone of his voice I could he had a grotesque idea in his mind, a game he wished too play with these kids. I couldn't help but let a sly smirk too grow across my face.
"Sure," I purred in his ear, at this a grin grew across his face before pulling back in for a kiss.

This night was gonna become a lot more interesting. Before we left I glanced back I'm hope too see the figure.

But it was like it was never there...

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