Chapter 24

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My vision was blurry as I slowly fluttered my eyes. I tried rewinding through my memories then it snapped. I shot up and glanced around, I was in this dark, tiny hut in the middle on nowhere.

I tried moving but I suddenly felt myself being lifted up and a sharp pain came from both of my arms. I cried out in agony, seeing yellow glowing strings were piercing through my skin. In my arms and legs like...

"Good you're awake," a voice said, it sounded like a static radio. I glanced up seeing the Puppeteer's glowing eyes and smile coming from the shadows. Welp, I thought, I know where his name comes from now.
"What do you want?" I muttered giving him a cold death stare. The Puppeteer just rolled his eyes.
"To be honest I don't want anything," he said, "I was just told too." That wasn't the answer I wanted so I decided too dig deeper.

"Who told you?" I asked, "Slender? Can you tell him that it was Ben who started the fight not-"
"No," the Puppeteer scoffed making me freeze. Too be honest I wasn't expecting anyone here too take orders from anyone besides Slender, so this was some news.

"Then who?" I snapped. Suddenly, the door from behind him opened and my blood ran cold seeing L.J step it. I'm a fucking idiot!
"Oh hello," he said with a smile, but scoffed as I glared into his soul, "someone's grumpy."
"Cut the shit," I growled, "what do you want with me?" L.J began cackling, his laughter piercing my ears.

"Ah~" he sighed, "look, I want too get along. But this was the only way I could have a decent chat." I scoffed with disbelief. He calls this decent?

"Then please," I snapped, "in-lighten me." By my words, the clown grew a disgusting grin across his smug face.
"Well..." L.J said, "I hate too break it too you but~ he's been using you..."
"You're boyfriend." My face went pale at his words, the clown beginning too laugh at my shocked face.

"Fuck you!" I yelled, "he'd never use me you piece of-" The Puppeteer suddenly pulled the strings twisted my leg until I heard a snap. I screamed in pain, tears flooding down my face. L.J walked up and grabbed me by the hair and yanking it too make eye contact.
"You don't have too believe me," he snickered, "but I wouldn't lie." He pointed a sharp fingernail into the side of my stomach.

"The only thing he want from you is that," he smirked, "he's a monster like the rest of us. He'll never learn too love because love it a weakness. A knife that'll stab him right in the heart. You are just blind too never have seen it." L.J let go of my hair and left the hut, back into the woods as tears slowly began too form in my eyes.

I cursed under my breath feeling my emotions at the back of my throat. Don't cry you idiot, I thought, it doesn't get you anywhere.
Every time that I've cried, no one gave two shits. I was alone...I'll always be alone.

"Let them go...NOW!" That voice, how could I forget it. I glanced up and starred as E.J held the Puppeteer by the shirt glaring at him.

The Puppeteer just rolled his eyes and almost instantly I collapsed too the floor like a lifeless body. He left and E.J came too my side. He tried picking me up but I slapped his hand away.

"I'm fine," I muttered as I glared into his empty black eye sockets.

 Bloody Romance | Eyeless Jack x Reader Where stories live. Discover now