Chapter 19

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Hell broke loose as all three of us began cursing at Nina. I was never invited to parties, but I wasn't the party type anyway.
"Oh stop your whining," she cried, "we can kill everyone afterwards." Before we could stop her she banged on the door. It opened at some girl wearing this shitty bloody nurse outfit was standing before us.

When she saw us instead of screaming at Jeff and Nina's bitch asses, all she did was raise and eyebrow.
"Who are you?" she asked with an annoying glare, "I've never seen you guys before." I glanced at Nina and almost laughed at her shocked face. She knew about the party, but didn't know how too get in.
"I- uhh...well we're...friends," Nina said, "yeah we're friends with someone here and they invited us..."

I rolled my eyes. That's the shittiest lie I've ever heard.
"Ok," the girl said, "can too tell me who? Cause I'm not letting anyone in my house without proof." Nina gulped at the girls words, uncertain on what too do. I rolled my eyes walking forward. Without hesitation I grabbed the girl my the neck and snapped it. She collapsed into my arms as I threw her body in the bush.

"We're the VIP's I guess," Jeff scoffed and entered without another word. Literally everyone there was dressed up. They had makeup, cosplays and everything. I put on a face mask at the sight of old classmates. When Jeff, E.J and Nina entered no one was bothered by their smiles carved into their faces. I boy walked up too me all confused.
"What are you suppose too be?" he asked checking me out.

"A person," I snapped before walking too the kitchen. As I said I'm not the party type, but a drink wouldn't be too bad. When I entered the kitchen, I saw a girl looking grumpy at the dinner table. She had short dirty blonde hair and ocean like eyes. The girl wasn't wearing a costume nor was she having fun. She looked at if she was 12 and was just typing on a laptop. She then glanced up, hearing my presence.
"On the second shelf," she mumbled before continuing her work.

I guessed she was talking about the booze, but why was a kid even at a party like this. Literally before I saw some guys doing pot on the couch. I went too the fridge and grabbed a bottle but instead of leaving too search for E.J, I sat at the table opposite the girl.
"Whatcha doing?" I asked as I opened the bottle. The girl seemed shocked at my curiosity, but didn't say anything.

"Umm...doing homework," she replied. So this kid was literally in a party but was forced too do her homework. That's strange, I thought.
"Well...what's your name?" I asked, "I'm Y/n." The girl razed an eyebrow glaring at me with suspicion, but answered my question.
"It's...Riley." By the look on her face I could tell Riley was hiding her emotions almost as if she was gonna burst into tears.

"What work are you doing?" I asked sitting back down, "maybe I could help if you want?" Riley's eyes widened at my question, however I couldn't blame her. I could be having fun but instead I'd rather help this kid.
"A-Algebra," she said showing me her laptop. She was stuck on this one question, but for me it was child's play.

"Alright," I sighed sitting next too her, "let's begin." I began explain the question as she payed close attention. It was like my words were hypnotising Riley. Almost in five minutes, she finished it in a blink of an eye.
"See," I said, "it wasn't that hard right?"
"I guess," she said giving me a small smile. It made me happy to help someone for once they didn't look at me like I was a freak.

"So did my sister invite you?" Riley replied making my stomach drop. I knew she was talking about the bitch that was now decaying in the bushes, but I put a smile on my face.
"Yea she did," I lied, "but only cause my friend persuaded her." Riley nodded her head looking down at her hands. She told me how she understood cause no one really invited her to parties either.

Suddenly this guy marched into the kitchen like he was some big hot shot. When he saw us, his drunk grin turned upside down.
"Who the fuck are you?" he burped pointing at me then glance at Riley, "and aren't you meant too be asleep like a normal child?" Riley felt embarrassed and held her head down, making me pissed.
"What's your problem man?" I snapped getting too my feet glaring at the dickhead, "just piss off!"

This enraged the guy. With all his strength he tried landing a punch on me, but I grabbed his fist when it was a inch away from my face. I wanted to end him right then and there, but Riley was watching.
"Didn't you hear me?" I snarled, "piss off." I wasn't surprise when he didn't back down. The guy grabbed me by the hood and pinned me too the wall.

"I'll fucking kill you!" he yelled. He proceeded to cursing and give me death threats as Riley watched in horror. She couldn't move as the scene unfolded. The guy was yet again about to punch me when he froze. Before I knew what was going on he collapsed to the floor and there's to Jeff holding his knife now covered with red liquid.

A/n: Hey guys, about the drinking I know in some countries it's either 20 or 21 and up, but when I'm from it's 18 so I hope you don't mind that and next chapter will be coming out soon :)

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