The Tale of Cassandra and Fidella

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The Haunted Memory in the Old Cottage

Before Cassandra left Corona for her new adventure, she rides Fidella to find one particular place.

Cassandra discovers her childhood home. The one where her real mother used to live.

And her real mother's name is Gothel.

Cassandra was fierce. "Fidella, prepare to jump!" She exclaimed.

Fidella leaped high over the crevasse.

Cassandra and her horse made it.

She dismounted Fidella. Her horse was concerning.

Cassandra was confident yet determined. "Do not worry about me, Fidella. I will be all right." She reassures.

Cassandra smiled at her horse.

Fidella was calmed yet compassionate.

She petted her horse. "I will whistle if I get lost." Cassandra added. She raises her eyebrow. "Can you hear me if I whistle, Fidella?" Cassandra wonders.

Her horse neighs happily in her reply.

Cassandra was pleased. Then, she goes into Gothel's cottage.

Cassandra was resolute. She brought her sword out. Cassandra readies for any fiends to appear.

She checked the living room.

Cassandra checks the bedroom. Her mother and her own.

She glimpsed something on the floor. Cassandra was befuddled. She bends down her knees. Cassandra picked her winding thing off the ground.

And then, the golden cylinder musical thing plays itself. It was the song she remembered since she was four years old. Cassandra waited for her mother to return every day. She gasped.

Cassandra's only memory has returned in her nightmare.

The night when her mother steals the baby girl from the kingdom of Corona.

After Gothel abandoned Cassandra, the young Captain of the Guard took the four-year-old-Cassandra in.

Cassandra can't forgive her mother for that.

Gothel doesn't care for Cassandra and Rapunzel. Just the power of the Sundrop. The Sundrop Flower.

Cassandra sits up straight. She left her bedroom. Cassandra scrolled thru the hallway. She hit something by her right foot. Cassandra glanced down.

It was the mannequin of a scary Gothel.

Cassandra was surprised. She raised her eyebrow to herself. Cassandra detects the broken candle holder on the wall. She was bemused. Cassandra goes to it. She fixes the wall lighting.

And ultimately, the hidden door opens upwards gradually.

Cassandra was baffled.

She decided to go in the secret passageway.

After her few steps, the passage door closes itself.

Cassandra looks from her behind. She was mad. "Guess I have to get out the hard way." Cassandra whispers to herself.

She faced forward. Cassandra went down the stony stairs.

After a while, she enters Gothel's Hidden Underground Tunnel.

When Cassandra was puzzled at the mirrors, Gothel magically appears on the first mirror. She was smiling at herself. "Good morning, beautiful." Gothel said.

Cassandra was perplexed. She glances more odd mirrors. Every one of them was all Gothel.

Well, don't you looked lovely today?

Today, I received several compliments on my way into town.

The bookseller couldn't believe how young I looked. Someone told me I was breathtaking.

Oh hello, stunning Gothel. You would not believe who got invited to be presented for the king and queen of Corona...Me, that's who...I have to tell my dearest daughter to mind the house while her mommy's away for an urgent matter...Of course, Cassandra has no idea about the royals of the kingdom and all...She was so naive to believe me... Well life gives her sour grapes, yes?

Cassandra was triggered. She realized that her mother lied to her. Cassandra wanted to burn the creepy cottage down.

Instead, she used her sword to break the enchanting mirrors down. Cassandra broke all the magical mirrors.

She detected the white hole in the further distance. Cassandra found the exit.

She made it out of the hidden underground tunnel. Cassandra needs to settle herself down from anger. She puts her sword away. Cassandra shook her head. She perturbed. Cassandra covered her face with her both hands. She groaned. Cassandra takes deeper breaths. "Fitzherbert and the kid was here...They are trying to find the crown..." she whispered.

Cassandra uncovered her face. She was finally believing. Cassandra was serious. She sighed. "Enough with the past...I'm heading to my future destiny..." Cassandra declares.

She puts her two fingers to her mouth. Cassandra whistled hard.

A few moments later, Fidella arrives in her gallop. She neighed with contented.

Cassandra smiles happily. "I knew I could count on you, friend." She said.

Cassandra hops on Fidella. She was ready with her determination yet pleasing. "Ya!" Cassandra exclaims.

Fidella galloped forth.

Cassandra was willing to fight against her fears.

The Coronan royal guard once.

The lady-in-waiting since she was found by The Captain of the Guard.

Cassandra ultimately became the sword-fighter. The adventurer who pursues her true destiny.

Not sure which character's tale next. Next part soon!

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