The Tale of Varian

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The Alchemist Crafts the Jewelry

In Old Corona, Varian is in his house. He was making his invention in his lab.

Varian finished it. Just he was about to test it out, Lance arrived. He recognizes one of Varian's inventions. Lance sees the bazooka with Varian's component. Lance was grinning in mischief. He tiptoed to it. Lance went nearing the inventive weapon.

Varian narrowed his eyes. He was annoyed. "Don't even touch that, Lance." Varian warned.

Lance was surprised. He faced Varian immediately. Lance acted innocent yet failed. "I wasn't touching anything." He fibbed.

Varian faces Lance. Varian rolled his eyes. He was smiling. "SURE you aren't..." Varian said.

Lance was nervous with his smile.

Varian was puzzled. "May I help you, Lance?" Varian asked.

Lance cleared his throat. He was smirking. "I was wondering what you were doing..." Lance answered.

Varian shrugged. He was making a 'meh' expression. "Well since you are wondering..." Varian added. He goes to the sack of sands. Varian picked it up. "I was working on my invention..." he mentioned.

Varian heads to Lance. Varian was peeved. He handed the bag of sands to Lance. "Here, take this." Varian said.

Lance got the bag of sands. He was confused. Lance raised his eyebrow at it. "What's with the sack of..." he tries to finish his question. Lance peeks in the bag.

Varian shook his head. He was grumpy. "It's just some sands, Lance." Varian added, clarifying. He gripped the black lever. Varian was ready. He gestures Lance out. Varian was resolute. "I need you to pour the sands into my latest invention." He urges.

Lance shrugs. He was still confused. "Okay." Lance accepted. He walks near Varian's latest invention. Lance poured the sands out of the sack into it.

Varian made a blep expression. He switches the black lever backwards. Varian's latest invention turns on itself.

Lance was stumped at it. "What does it do?" He wondered.

Varian was cheerful. "This invention of mine can turn from the sands into something pretty." He replied in explanation.

Lance was delighted. "Oh, I loved pretty things! I hope it's treasures!" He exclaimed.

Varian extended his left arm. "Better than treasures, Lance!" Varian added. He grips the black lever. Varian switched it forward. His invention stopped running. He goes to the other side of his invention. Varian shovels for his craftsmanship. He felt something that is rocky. Varian grins big. He was still cheerful. "I have invented the gem-maker!" Varian exclaims. He pulled out a yellow crystal. It was big and rounded.

Lance was enthusiastic. "It IS the treasure-maker!" He shouted.

Varian was irritated at Lance. Varian frowned. "Gem-maker, not treasure-maker." He complained.

Lance raises his eyebrow. "Varian, gems and treasures are the same thing." Lance stated.

Varian shook his head. "No it's not." He protested.

Lance chuckled. "If it's shiny, too pretty to resist, profitable for anything, it's probably a treasure." He clarified.

Varian raises his eyebrow at him.

Lance points at the yellowish stone. "And THAT color here..." he added. Lance crisscrosses his arms. "It reminded me of Rapunzel's hair..." he said.

Varian was mad. "The princess's hair is brown...Rapunzel has a long yellow hair back then...When she possesses the Sundrop's power..." he explains.

Lance nodded his head twice. "Be as it may..." he added. Lance was smiling. "That piece of yellow diamond would make a beautiful ring out of it..." he said. Lance giggles to himself.

Varian was triggered. He pointed the yellow big gem. "Lance, my masterpiece is not a diamond. It's a mineral. And it wouldn't make a..." Varian tried to finish his confrontation. He blinked his eyes thrice times. Varian was baffling. He looked at the yellow polishing hard thing.

Lance was silly. "Say what you think, I am guessing it's a yellow diamond still." He mentions.

Varian was beamed. He can't quit staring at his gorgeous rock. "That's it..." Varian added, whispering. He grinned bigger. "THAT'S IT!" Varian shouts.

Lance was befuddling. "What's it?" He inquires.

Varian puts the big yellow gemstone down on his desk. He pushes Lance thru his rooms. "I gotta go do an experiment in my lab!" Varian added, making excuses. He opened his front door. Varian got Lance outside of his house. "See you later!" Varian shouted. He closed his front door.

Lance was still befuddling.

Adira bites her red apple. She chews and chews. Adira swallowed it. She was bemused yet confident. "You need to work on your part, Earrings." Adira suggested.

Lance faced her. He was in puzzlement. "All I said to Varian was 'That piece of yellow diamond would make a beautiful ring out of it'. Afterwards, he kicked me out." Lance explained.

Adira was unanticipated at him. Then, she looks at Varian's house. And finally, Adira was perplexing. "Earrings, you do not believe Blue-stripe is..." she tries to finish her sentence.

Lance blinked his eyes twice. He has his eyes widened. "You thought Varian's in love...?" Lance inquired.

Adira and Lance glanced at the other way. They are astonished.

Eugene was perplexed. "Who's in love?" He inquires.

Adira and Lance smiled nervously at him.

Eugene was not amused. He narrows his eyes. "It's my brother, is it?" Eugene guessed.

Adira and Lance are bewildered.

Eugene heads to Varian's house. "I am gonna go talk to that kid." He added. Eugene was solemn. "Love is blind and contagious for everyone." He utters. Eugene went inside.

Lance glanced at Adira. "Do you think the kid has a girlfriend?" He asked.

Adira shrugs in his answer.

In Varian's lab, Eugene crisscrosses his arms. He tilted his head to his left.

Varian was awkward yet smiling. He gestures himself. "Eugene, I'm not making a ring for ME." Varian added, explaining. "It is actually for you. I was going to make a ring for you so you could propose to Rapunzel." Varian clarified. He shrugged.

Eugene was stunned. "What?" He inquired.

SURPRISE! Last part soon! THE BONUS!

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