The Tale of Willow 2

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In the Corona castle's halls, Willow meets and greets at people who worked there.

She met Nigel the royal advisor.

She met Stan and Pete.

She met Faith the maid.

She met Friedborg.

She met the former Captain of the Guard.

Willow rotated herself around from behind. She was cheerful. Willow extends her arms. "My two future nephew-in-laws!" She exclaimed.

Eugene and Varian are stunned at her. "WHAT?!" They inquired in exclamation in unison.

Willow hurried to them. She squeezed at Eugene and Varian. "Mmm, you boys are so cute when you don't know what I'm talking about." Willow said.

Eugene and Varian are baffled.

Eugene was awkward yet confident. "Madam, we REALLY don't know what you're talking about here." He uttered.

Willow sees them with her smiling face. She held their shoulders. Willow looked at Varian. "Just in case you don't know me, kiddo, I'm Willow." She mentioned.

Varian waved at her awkwardly. He was nervous yet happy. "Hi, Willow..." Varian greeted.

Willow faced Eugene. "I get your little brother's shy." She added. "Does he had a name, Eugene?" Willow asked.

Eugene was compassionate at first. "Varian, Willow." Eugene answered. Then, he was alarmed. Eugene raises his eyebrow. "Wait, have we met before?" He wondered.

Willow was still cheerful. "Nope." She added, replying. "I heard the word that you proposed to my long lost niece after you rescued her from the tower." Willow explains.

Eugene was going to drop his jaw. He has his eyes widened.

Varian was anxious. "Uhh, Willow, if you're Rapunzel's aunt, are you related to the king or the queen?" He asked.

Willow realized. She faces Varian. "Oh, I'm Arianna's younger sister, Varian." Willow answered.

Eugene perturbed and shook his head. He was concerned. "Willow, why don't we talk outside while Varian gets your sister prepared to see you, is that okay?" Eugene wonders awkwardly.

Willow giggles. She was hopeful. "Eugene, I would love to hear your story about how you saved my lost long niece." She added, replying. Willow waved at Eugene. She was getting out of the castle. "See you in the gazebo momentarily, Eugene! Nice meeting you, Varian!" Willow exclaims.

Eugene and Varian waves back at her. They smiled with unease. Eugene and Varian chuckled worryingly.

Eugene and Varian stared at each other.

They are in panicked.

Eugene holds Varian's arms. "You gotta tell the king and queen that Willow's here." Eugene urges.

Varian clings his left arm. "She doesn't know Rapunzel was troubled with remembering things." He mentioned.

Eugene was resolute yet sad. "I'll speak to Willow about Rapunzel. You just alert the king and queen about Willow." He commands.

Varian nodded his head. He was solemn. "All right, I'll meet ya soon." Varian agreed.

Eugene walked out of the castle.

Varian rushes in the halls. He arrived to the throne room. Varian was out of breath.

King Frederic and Queen Arianna are unanticipated.

The king was stumped. "Varian, is everything going well?" King Frederic wondered.

Varian was panting. He looked at the king and queen. "Your majesties...Willow's here..." Varian replied in his gasp.

Queen Arianna was confused. "Who's here?" She asks.

Varian was breathing heavy. "Willow's here...out in the gazebo...with my big brother..." he answers.

Queen Arianna was astounded. She took a deep breath. Queen Arianna was gloomy. "Bring Rapunzel with you, Varian..." Queen Arianna declares.

In the white gazebo, Willow was bewildered at him.

Eugene was melancholy at her. He was telling her what happened to the princess. "Varian and I tried to return her crown back in the Dark Kingdom. Zhan Tiri was holding Rapunzel as her prisoner in this castle. Your niece ate the dangerous pink berries. She has memory-loss, Willow. I'm sorry that I didn't rescue Rapunzel from the tower. I have no clue she's the princess." Eugene explained.

Willow sighs. "Then, you are not engaged with Rapunzel?" Willow wonders.

Eugene shook his head twice in his reply. He was depressed.

Willow holds Eugene's hands. She was sympathetic.

Eugene looks at Willow. He was astonished.

Willow blinked her eyes once. "I'm gonna stay to help Rapunzel. She'll be fine, Eugene." Willow reassured.

Eugene smiled sweetly at her.

Willow was puzzling with her smile. "So you're the new Captain of the Guard of Corona huh?" She asked.

Eugene was happy yet awkward. "Yeah...The princess just wants me to protect her from evil people, Willow..." he answered.

Willow was still smiling. "You're a good person, Eugene. I can see why Varian takes a liking of you." She believed.

Eugene was affectionate. "Quirin said that to me before. Varian and I are brothers. I kept him safe because I thought I haven't got any parents." Eugene said.

Willow gets it. She was confident. "Oh then the-Brotherhood-leader Edmund did mention about you by the way." Willow reminded.

Eugene was cheerful. "Oh you have met my dad." He said.

Willow was enthusiastic. "I bet the Dark Kingdom could use some light with all the black rocks around." She stated.

Eugene has his eyes widened. He shrugs. "Right?!" Eugene inquired in exclamation.

Eugene and Willow encounters the back entrance.

They are surprised.

King Frederic, Rapunzel and Varian are smiling.

Queen Arianna was compassionate. "Willow?" Queen Arianna wonders.

Willow smiled sadly. "Arianna..." she replies.

Willow glanced at Rapunzel.

The princess made a pitiful smile.

Willow walked toward Rapunzel slowly. Willow stopped. She gestured herself. "I'm Willow, and I'm your aunt, Rapunzel." Willow greeted.

The princess sighed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Willow." Rapunzel greets back.

Willow extended her arms. "Wanna hug?" She inquires.

Rapunzel was emotional. She wrapped her arms around Willow. Willow squeezed Rapunzel gently.

King Frederic and Queen Arianna joined their hugging.

Eugene and Varian smiled at them.

They knew that the princess will be all right.

Willow spends her time with Rapunzel in the castle.

The Dragon's Tale soon! Next part soon!

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