The Tale of the Cheery Dragon 1

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Note: It's gonna become a short story and most of the characters are in it. Thank you and enjoy.

The Dragon Returns

In the Corona castle's dungeons, Lady Caine was not happy in her cell.

It was nighttime.

She sat and wait on her bed. Lady Caine faced the bars.

Someone broke her free. It was a tall female thief. She has devious expression. The woman looked too fashionable to be a rogue.

Lady Caine raised her eyebrow. "Who the heck are you?" She asked.

The thief lady grinned. "Stalyan." She answered.

Lady Caine was distant. "Seems like another word of the horse. If you get the pronunciation from me." She mentioned.

Stalyan blew her raspberry. "My father, The Baron picked that name. Long story." She admitted.

Lady Caine was annoyed. "Why are you breaking me out in prison?" She wondered.

Stalyan was wicked. "Because I have a plan that comes with revenge." She replied.

Lady Caine was puzzled yet cold.

Stalyan grinned. "Does Flynn Rider sounds familiar to you?" She asked.

Lady Caine was rigid. "He disappeared in the river two years ago." She answered.

Stalyan raises her eyebrow. "Flynn Rider is my ex-fiancé." She uttered.

Lady Caine was perplexed.

Stalyan hums evilly.

Lady Caine was confused. She furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you want with me?" Lady Caine inquired.

Stalyan was malevolent. "I learned Flynn Rider cares for the kid. I know he survived the river." She added. Lady Caine was astonished. Stalyan was still malevolent. She brought the wanted poster of her favorite thief. Flynn Rider. His nose was too small. "If you tell me the name of the kid, the one who was with Flynn Rider, I can snatch my husband-to-be. And you can take the kid to your ship. I understand that you're a pirate." Stalyan negotiated.

Lady Caine gradually became sinister. She made up her mind. "Varian..." Lady Caine whispered.

In the guest bedroom, the alchemist reads one of his favorite Flynnigan Rider books. He was delighted. Varian laughs. He raised his eyebrow. "I bet the baron's son didn't see that coming." Varian comments. He continues reading.

Varian was alarmed. He quits his book-reads. Varian gasped. He hears the quiet footsteps. Varian closes his novel. He puts it in his shirt. Varian retrieved his dark brown satchel. He scrambled in it. Varian brought out his purple orbs. He was contented.

Varian was resolute. He opened the door slowly. Varian peeks thru the doorway. He browses the hallway. No one has been around. Varian was relieved. He was about to shut his door.

Varian was concerned. He turned from his back. Varian gasps. He was disbelieved.

It was Lady Caine. She was smirking yet evil. "You should be in bed hours ago, kid." Lady Caine added. She walks forth to him. Varian goes backwards. He was horrified. Lady Caine grinned. She has her right hand curled onto something. "I can help you get some sleep." Lady Caine said.

Varian hurried away from the pirate.

Lady Caine was scoffed. "Great." She said. Lady Caine rolled her eyes. She pursued the boy.

The alchemist dashes forward. Varian was scared. "EUGENE!" Varian screamed.

In the other guest bedroom, Eugene slept on his bed with his sleep mask. He heard a cry for help. Eugene got up instantly. He removes his sleep mask. Eugene was afraid. "Varian." Eugene whispers. He was frowning. Eugene have no time to put his uniform on. He was in his pajamas clothes. Eugene got off of his bed. He grabbed his sword. Eugene left his guest bedroom.

Varian hastily runs in the hallways. He would stop Lady Caine with his purple orbs. Then, Varian believes someone breaks the criminal out. He doesn't want to get captured again. The Stabbington brothers are bad enough. Varian was still scared. "Eugene please help!" Varian shrieked.

Eugene tries to rush as quick as he could. He was worried. Eugene speeds himself up in the halls. "I'm coming Varian!" Eugene hollered.

Varian arrived to the courtyard. He thought he was safe in the balcony. Varian panted. He was tired a little. Varian was taken aback. He gasped.

It was Stalyan. She smiled wickedly.

Varian prepares his purple orbs. He was mad yet frightened. "You let the villain out of prison." Varian guessed.

Stalyan was cunning. "Wow, you are one witty kid." She said.

He was warning her. "You just stay back. My big brother will arrest you and Lady Caine." Varian mentions.

Stalyan was quizzical with her grin. "Flynn Rider?" She added, inquiring. Stalyan was determined with her wickedness. "He's my ex-fiancé." She said.

Varian was angry. "His name is Eugene Fitzherbert!" Varian retorted.

Stalyan crisscrossed her arms. "His name is Flynn Rider and he belongs to me!" She shouted.

Varian was irritated. "HIS NAME IS EUGENE FITZHERBERT AND HE LOVES RAPUNZEL!" Varian screams.

Stalyan was mischievous. "I wouldn't look back if I were you." She warns.

Varian was peeved. He narrowed his eyes. Varian turns around. He was feared. Varian gasps.

Lady Caine was behind the alchemist. She uncurled her right hand. Lady Caine blows her handful of bright yellow powder. It went right at the alchemist's face.

Varian has his eyes widened. He shuts his eyes immediately. His head was shrouded with bright yellow dust. Varian dropped his purple orbs. He covers his mouth. Varian coughed thrice times. He wheezes. Varian coughs again five times. "No..." he gasped.

Stalyan smirked.

Varian collapsed on the ground. He was knocked out.

Lady Caine smiled malevolently.

Stalyan glanced at Lady Caine. "Take the kid away from the Sunshine Castle. I got some catching up with Flynn Rider to do." Stalyan commanded. She heads inside the Corona castle.

Lady Caine glimpsed at Stalyan. Then, Lady Caine was smirking. "Do not fret." She added. Varian was unconscious. He was not stirring. Lady Caine picked the alchemist up. She carries like she was taking her rolled-up rug. "He'll make a useful recruit to my ship." Lady Caine utters.

In Old Corona, Eugene paces himself back and forth in front of Quirin's house. Eugene was nervous. He doesn't know how to tell him about Varian.

Adira detects Eugene. She was perplexed. Adira goes to him. "Fishskin?" She wondered.

Eugene faced Adira.

They are having a bit of silence for moments.

Eugene was gloomy. "I'm sorry, Adira...My brother has been kidnapped...I couldn't save him..." he replied.

Adira feels bad for Eugene. She was surprised. "Quirin..." Adira said.

Eugene rotated around swiftly. He was shocked.

Quirin was overwhelmed. He ran to Eugene. Quirin embraces Eugene.

Eugene was bewildered. He looked at Quirin.

Quirin sighed. He was sad. "We're getting Varian back...We all are..." Quirin declared.

King Edmund was next to Eugene. King Edmund held Eugene's left shoulder. Eugene noticed his father.

King Edmund was solemn. "Quirin is right...We're all getting Varian back..." King Edmund mentioned.

Eugene made a sad smile. "I know who took my brother..." he believes.

Next part soon!

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