The Tale of Hector

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Note: Sugracha and Tromus comes back in this tale.

Encountering the Evil Spirits

In the further distance from Old Corona, the dark warrior travels with his rhino. His two binturongs follows him.

It was nightfall.

Hector was stern.

No sign of King Edmund or Adira around.

Hector decides to take a break from traveling so much. He discovered the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow.

Hector dismounts his rhino.

He takes a sharp look at the place.

The house was made out of colorful dark seashells.

Hector was skeptical. "It could be a trap to any royal who finds that place." He speculated.

The front door was opened by itself. It was the white-haired man. He wears the dark red elegant outfit. The owner of the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow is an eccentric gentleman. "Good evening, monsieur." He added, waving at the dark warrior. The odd gentleman gestures himself. "I am Mr. Matthews the innkeeper of my establishment." He introduced.

Hector was not amused. "Hector." He introduces.

Mr. Matthews chuckles. "You traveled a lot, no?" He wondered.

Hector crisscrossed his arms. He raised his eyebrow. "I do not rest since I saved the child from a couple of ruthless ruffians. It's only been almost a year." Hector replied.

Mr. Matthews was delighted. "Oh, you're in luck, monsieur." He added, gesturing the house. "You can sleep in my home without being asked for payment." Mr. Matthews offered.

Hector was not thrilled at first. Then, he was mischievous. "A free night at the inn...Seems tempting..." Hector stated.

Mr. Matthews grins cunningly. "Ain't it?" He inquired.

Hector faced his rhino and his two binturongs. "You three go help yourself in the forest." He added. Hector smirks at the innkeeper. "I'll be back in a morning." He suggested.

Mr. Matthews was chivalrous yet grinning. "Right this way, Hector." Mr. Matthews insisted.

Hector shrugs. He heads inside the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow.

In the inn, the innkeeper shows his home to Hector.

They are in the hallway. Mr. Matthews gestured another character. He was cheerful. "Hector, this is Mrs. Sugarby. My assistant." Mr. Matthews said.

Hector was emotionless. He nodded his head at her.

Mrs. Sugarby was a kindhearted woman with her cane. She nodded her head back. "Pleasure to meet you." Mrs. Sugarby greeted.

Hector raises his eyebrow at the room. "The nursery, Mrs. Sugarby?" He asked.

She was cheerful. "In case of travelers has children." Mrs. Sugarby answered.

Mr. Matthews points out. "She does more than just housekeeping the bedrooms." He clarifies.

Hector shrugged. "Makes sense." He commented.

Mr. Matthews scrolled on. Hector followed him.

Mr. Matthews shows Hector the dining room, the dog kennel, the lobby and his assigned room.

Mr. Matthews was enthusiastic. "Dinner will be served in the dining room soon. In the meantime, enjoy your stay, monsieur." He mentioned.

Hector went inside to his bedroom.

Mr. Matthews shut the door.

Hector sighs. He was irked. "I still think this place is a trap." Hector whispered.

Moments later, the bedroom door opens itself. Hector peeks thru the door. He looked both ways in the hallway.

No sign of Mr. Matthews and Mrs. Sugarby.

Hector decides to investigate. He surveys the halls. Hector felt like he was inside of the aquatic castle. He checks the other hall. Hector walks to the giant wall-mirror. He crisscrosses his arms. "What do you think?" Hector wonders himself.

His reflection blinked.

Hector's mirror eyes became red.

The dark warrior immediately jumps back.

The Mirror-Hector was mad.

The dark warrior smiles mischievously. "Ambush from my own reflection...How sinister..." Hector said.

Mr. Matthews and Mrs. Sugarby are behind Hector. They are going to shove the dark warrior to the big wall-mirror. They tiptoed slowly.

Hector was annoyed. He swiftly turned around himself. Hector snatches Mr. Matthews and Mrs. Sugarby.

They are bewildered.

Hector tossed them at the giant wall-mirror.

The Mirror-Hector grabbed the two wicked people. He was holding Mr. Matthews and Mrs. Sugarby hostage.

Hector was cunning at them. "You think you can trick me right on my back, you two?" He inquires.

Mr. Matthews was angry. "Great, outwitted by the weirdo." He comments.

Mrs. Sugarby was irritated. "This isn't over!" She exclaimed.

Hector brought out his two swords on his both hands.

The Mirror-Hector was malevolent. "You know, you can be the next innkeeper here." He added. The Mirror-Hector glances at Mr. Matthews and Mrs. Sugarby. "These two servants of Zhan Tiri are aiming for the Sundrop." He mentions.

Mr. Matthews and Mrs. Sugarby are stunned.

Hector raised his eyebrow at his reflection. "Interesting idea..." he added. "Although..." Hector said.

The dark warrior was ticked off. Hector prepares his two swords. "I DON'T NEED A CRAZY HOUSE!" He shouted.

The Mirror-Hector was astonished.

The servants of Zhan Tiri are horrified.

Hector snarled. "MY HOME IS THE DARK KINGDOM!" He yelled.

Hector fractured the giant wall-mirror.

They tried to stop the dark warrior. It was too late.

Mr. Matthews and Mrs. Sugarby are vanishing into sands in the mirror.

Hector goes to the dog kennel room. He freed the three aggravative dogs from their cages.

The entire House of Yesterday's Tomorrow was reducing into sand.

Hector and the three canines made it out.

The dark warrior goes gesturing at the trio of dogs. "Go on! You're free! Meet new friends why don't ya!" He exclaims.

The three dogs dashes to the forest.

Hector was tired yet smiling. "I knew it's a trap." He believed.

The rhino and the two binturongs returned to Hector.

The dark warrior glimpsed at his pets. "Nothing good, huh?" He inquired.

They looked not thrilled.

Hector shrugged. He was emotionless. "Me either." Hector said.

The dark warrior hops on his rhino. He petted at it.

Hector looked out at the late night sky.

The stars are out for the evening.

He was smirking yet happy. "No more scared kids about evil spirits haunting them. Especially Quirin's boy." Hector declares.

The dark warrior kicked his rhino lightly.

Hector rode forth. The two binturongs followed him.

Next part soon!

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