The Tale of Kiera and Catalina 1

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Helping the Little Angry

Outside of Old Corona, Lance and Varian are pursuing the two little girls.

The two little girls are the Silent Strikers.

There was one girl with black hair. And the other girl with red hair. Both of them have a little red tattoos on their faces.

They are nearly got away from Old Corona.

Suddenly, something stopped The Silent Strikers.

They have been halted by the sticky purple goo. The two little girls are stuck on their feet. They are bewildered.

Lance and Varian have caught up with The Silent Strikers. They faced them.

Lance was firm. "Kiera, Catalina..." he added. Lance have his hands on his hips. "What did I tell you two about stealing other people's gardens?" He asked.

Catalina with her red hair shrugs. She was shy.

Kiera with her black hair was peeved. She crisscrosses her arms. "The same answer we give you the last time, dad..." Kiera answered.

Varian was puzzled. "And what is that, Kiera?" He wonders.

Kiera was not amused at Varian. "It's Nunya, dork." She replies.

Varian was confused. "Nunya?" He asks.

Kiera rolled her eyes. "None of ya business." She answers.

Lance sighs. "I know you're gonna say you and your sister are hungry. Yet, I can't steal food for you girls." He utters.

Catalina clings her left arm. She was nervous.

Kiera pulls out some light pink strawberries. She frowns. "You can still. You told me and my sister that you were a thief too." Kiera vented.

Varian was anxious. He knew what the light pink strawberries are. "Where did you get them, Kiera?" Varian wondered.

Kiera was mad. "In one of the wooden crates." She added, replying. "Why are you so sudden, dork?" Kiera inquired.

Varian was concerned. "Please listen to me. You can't eat those berries." He urged.

Lance was worried. "Kiera, sweetheart. If you eat them, you'll forget who you are. Maybe your own name and birthday." He pleaded.

Kiera was not persuaded.

Catalina was alarmed.

Kiera was mischievous. "These mouth-watering strawberries?" She added, inquiring. Kiera raises her eyebrow. "You boys must be kidding." She believed.

Lance and Varian are stunned.

Kiera was going to eat the berry.

Catalina gasps. She cupped her mouth. Catalina shook her head a few times.

Lance was horrified. "Kiera!" He exclaimed.

Varian was scared. "NO!" He screamed. Varian extended his left hand.

Kiera ate the light pink strawberry. She chews it several times. Kiera swallows the berry. She was smirking. "You guys are being ridiculous of yourselves here. The pink strawberries cannot harm me." Kiera said.

Catalina was worrying.

And instantly, Kiera drops the light pink strawberries. She touched her head immediately. Kiera perturbing and wincing. "Ah! What the heck!" She shouted.

Varian was frightened. "Lance, take the berries away from Kiera!" Varian exclaims. He rushes to Catalina.

Lance acknowledged Varian's alert. Lance hurried to the light pink strawberries. He grabbed as much berries as he can. Lance got 'em all. He hide them in his shirt.

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