The Tale of the Cheery Dragon 4

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In the peaceful forest near Corona, Varian was passed out by the tree. He was laying down on his back. Varian moved his body a little bit. He shifts his arms. Varian flicks his eyelids a few times. He was breathing with ease. Varian was puzzled. He stared at his hand-wrists. Varian has a broken shackle chain. It breaks in half. He sits up steadily. Varian aches. He was still breathing with ease. Varian got up straight. He uses the tree to support standing. Varian was melancholy. He misses Eugene a lot. Varian was alarming. He heard a voice. Varian glanced back. Then, he decides to get away in a haste.

After Varian leaves, the character who looked like Flynn Rider was talking to the dragon. He has a black slender mustache. Flynn was annoyed at the dark pink dragon. "I asked you to bring some food, not some kid." He argued.

The dark pink dragon shrugged. It was perplexed.

Mustache-Flynn shook his head. He was angry. "If you found the treasure chest from the pirate ship, would you grab it?" Flynn asked.

The dragon narrowed its eyes. It doesn't like to steal things.

The mustache-thief was mischievous. "Well I do." He answered to himself.

Flynn checked one tree. He was confused. "Where the kid go?" Flynn inquires.

The dragon was befuddled.

They are sudden. Someone screamed.

The mustache-thief was bothered. He gestured at the dragon. "Let's go, lizard with wings!" Flynn exclaimed.

The dragon was concerned. It follows the mustache-thief.

They hurried thru the trees.

After moments later, Flynn and the dragon are bewildered.

It was Varian. He was frightened at the sandy ground. Varian was being eaten downwards to his waist. He was panicking. Varian kept his arms up. The eroding sands devouring his stomach.

Flynn was worried. "Quicksand." He uttered.

The dragon was alarmed.

Flynn was fierce.

Varian was gasping. He was getting sucked under in the shifting sands. Varian was up to his shoulders. His hands are shown on the sands' surface. He was scared. Varian felt his left hand being grabbed. He was perplexed. Varian glimpsed to his left. He was astounded. Then, Varian has gotten some help.

It was Flynn. He was rescuing Varian. Flynn stares at Varian. Flynn was saving him from sinking. He was up to his shoulders too. "Hold onto me, kid." Flynn urged.

Varian hugged Flynn immediately. Varian was still scared.

Flynn's right hand gripped Varian's back.

Flynn got a sturdy vine on his left hand. He looked at the dragon. "Get us out, LBG!" Flynn hollers.

The dragon nodded its head. LBG was resolute. The dragon bites the sturdy vine. LBG starts ascending in the air.

Flynn and Varian braced themselves. They are descending to their heads. And finally, Flynn and Varian are dragged upwards by the dragon.

They survived the sandy sinkhole.

LBG glides over the trees. The dragon steadies them to land on the grassy ground.

Flynn was pleased. He let go of the sturdy vine. Flynn puts Varian down. Flynn felt bad for Varian. Flynn was smiling. "You're okay, kid. You can let go." He reassures.

Varian released Flynn. Varian was overwhelmed. He breathes nervously. Varian looked at Flynn. Varian was surprised. He gasps.

Flynn smiled awkwardly at Varian. "You may not know me, kid. But I could introduce myself here." Flynn added. He extended his arms. Flynn was mischievous. He raises his eyebrow. "I'm Flynnigan Rider." He introduces himself.

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