The Tale of the Cheery Dragon 2

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On the next morning, the pirate ship sailed out in the ocean.

The ship's flag has a skull and crossbones.

Lady Caine viewed the horizon. She smiles deviously.

The Stabbington brothers are behind her. Eyepatch grinned wickeder. So does Sideburns. He readjusts his shirt. "The boy's awake, Lady Caine." Sideburns said.

The pirate leader turned around. Lady Caine was cunning. "Have Dwayne bring the kid here." She commands.

Sideburns extends his left hand to her. "One step ahead of you." He mentions.

Dwayne dragged Varian on his right arm. Varian's hand-wrists are tied up with rope. The alchemist looked at his hands. Varian clenched his fists. He writhed against the ropes. Varian was disgusted at the thief. He tightened his teeth.

Dwayne was mischievous. "No offense, kid. We're picking up more recruits to hijack and steal. We can make you worthwhile." He persuades.

Varian furrows his eyebrows. "Can it, Dwayne!" Varian shouted.

Dwayne was timid.

Varian faced Lady Caine. "Why did you kidnap me to your ship?" He asked.

The pirate leader shrugged. Lady Caine was rigid. "I don't like Corona. And I don't like what the king has done to my father." She added, answering. Lady Caine has her evil smile. "You're going to make the kingdom hear me." She said.

Varian was angry. "I'm not helping you." He decided.

Lady Caine was displeased. "You're so stubborn, boy." She complained.

Varian was putting his brave-face up. "Then, you shouldn't let someone bind my hands." He argued.

Varian elbows Dwayne's gut rough.

Varian's hands are freed.

Dwayne was startled. "Ow!" He exclaimed. Dwayne holds his stomach.

Varian runs away from the pirates. He heads to the end of the ship.

Lady Caine rolls her eyes. She was peeved. "Oh please..." Lady Caine muttered.

Varian looked over the railing. He was worried. Varian witnessed the sea. He panicked about the times he drowned in water before. Varian quivered. He can't escape.

Sideburns caught up behind the alchemist.

Varian was wide-eyed. He rotated himself.

Sideburns grips Varian's shirt. Sideburns drags him over the rails.

Varian was fearful. He gasped. Varian holds Sideburns' right arm. Varian was scared at the cruel ruffian. He was breathing in his panic.

Sideburns was wicked. "I kinda did recall back in Corona that you couldn't float on water." He reminisced. Sideburns chuckles evilly.

Varian has his eyes widened. He was gasping.

Sideburns was smirking. "You may still have spunk kid. And yet, I can sense fear in your eyes." He said.

Lady Caine was annoyed. "Enough of your threat on the boy already." She added, commanding. "He'll consider soon." Lady Caine mentions.

Sideburns looked at his pirate leader. He was not amused. Sideburns groans. He brings Varian in the ship. Sideburns drops Varian.

The alchemist was on deck again. Varian sits up to his knees steady. He stared at the floor. Varian was dreading. He was breathing nervously.

Lady Caine walked to Varian. She was malevolent. Lady Caine crouched down. She was mischievous. Lady Caine's left hand holds Varian's chin. The alchemist was forced to look at the pirate leader. Varian was still dreading. He blinked his eyes once. Lady Caine grins. "You see, kid...if you continue to refuse to join piracy with us..." she added. Lady Caine raises her eyebrow. "Your effects will be severe..." she clarified.

Varian glanced away from her. He grunted. Varian closes his eyes. He perturbed. Varian was taking himself hard. He was sobbing. Varian felt his tears falling on his cheeks.

Lady Caine stands up swiftly. She was wicked. "Shackle the boy's hands." Lady Caine ordered.

The Stabbington brothers grabs Varian's arms.

They have him bind on the mast. Varian's both hands are shackled behind the mast. His arms are bound. He was melancholy.

Sideburns and Eyepatch glimpsed at each other. Eyepatch pulls out some iron chains. Sideburns shrugs. "I don't see why we can't." He agrees.

The Stabbington brothers ties Varian up with iron chains on the mast.

The alchemist was in the chains' binds. Varian couldn't look at anyone. He was sorrowful. "You're all putting me in pain. You know I won't do it." Varian declares. He sobs.

The pirate leader was cunning. "Huh, you want your agonizing issues to go away..." Lady Caine added. She brought out the small light pink vial. The concoction was pink as cherry blossoms. "This potion will clear your mind..." Lady Caine suggests.

Varian detected the pinkish vial. He was concerned. "How did you made that?" Varian wondered.

The pirate leader plays with it. Lady Caine was impressed of herself. "Having pink strawberries becoming juice ain't easy. Man, I'm glad I did that." She replied.

The alchemist was staggered. Varian was frightening. "The Loss-of-Memory berries..." he added, whispering. Varian panicked. "How many strawberries did you made out of that?!" He asked in exclamation.

Lady Caine shrugged. "I say about a lot to fit in my vial." She answered.

Varian was in distress. He was looking away. "You're making me forget who I am!" Varian screams in his upset.

Lady Caine circled around the alchemist a couple times. She was sinister. "I'm making you forget the old you, boy. I know your talents. I know you're a sweet little kid. Let me ask you something here..." Lady Caine added. She nears Varian's right ear. Lady Caine grinned wickedly. "Everybody has a darkness in their lives, don't you...boy?" She whispered in her inquiry.

The alchemist flinched. He was suffering.

Lady Caine sways her vial. "Be a part of my crew...And you don't have to take the forgetting potion..." she convinces.

Varian was heartbroken. He wished Eugene was here. Varian pants. "I will not work with you..." he declared.

Lady Caine opened her vial. She was crafty. "Bad move, kid." Lady Caine said.

Varian closed his eyes. He was sobbing in despair.

The pirate leader took the alchemist's head. Lady Caine raised her eyebrow. She was evil. "Goodbye, old you, boy." Lady Caine said. She tilted her vial to Varian's mouth. The pink droplet was near her captive.

Dwayne detected something in the clear skies. He was petrified. Dwayne pointed them out. He was panicking. "DRAAAAAA-GOOOOON!" Dwayne screamed.

The Stabbington brothers glanced at the sky.

Lady Caine stops what she was doing. The amnesia potion hasn't touch Varian's lips.

Lady Caine was alarmed at something.

There was a big dark pink mystic creature. It was flying at the pirate ship.

Sideburns was disbelieved. "It is a dragon." He uttered.

Eyepatch dashed to the boat.

Lady Caine shook her head. She was distant. Lady Caine faces her group. "Ditch the kid! We're abandoning the ship!" She hollered.

Lady Caine, the Stabbington brothers and Dwayne fled for their lives.

Varian was too upset to see what happened.

The dark pink dragon arrived on the ship. It breaks the mast. The dark pink dragon with green eyes released Varian. The alchemist was no longer bound in chains. The dark pink dragon bites Varian's shackle. The alchemist's iron handcuffs' link are broken.

The dark pink dragon puts Varian on its back. It begins ascending in the air. The dark pink dragon flies away from the pirate ship. It was a happy dragon.

The alchemist was passed out. Varian was laying down on his back. He got crying to sleep. Varian still wishes to see Eugene again.

Next part soon!

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