The Tale of Quirin

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The Father's Love for the Starving Son

In the village of Old Corona, Eugene and Varian are facing each other. They are in front of Varian's house.

Varian was solemn.

Eugene was sympathetic yet confident. "Varian, you have to stay here with your dad. I will keep checking you every day, just to be sure you're safe. I can't protect you and Corona at the same time." Eugene urged.

Varian sighs. "Eugene, I understand..." Varian said.

Eugene hugs Varian.

Varian hugged Eugene back.

Eugene made a sad smile. He looked at Varian. "You know I loved you brother." Eugene said quietly.

Varian took a deep breath. He was adored. "I do...I loved you big brother..." Varian whispered.

They let go of each other.

Eugene closed his eyes. He kissed Varian's forehead. Eugene opened his eyes. Varian blinked his eyes once.

Eugene heads to the white horse.

Varian observed Eugene happily.

King Edmund and Quirin are happy at Eugene.

King Edmund was cheerful yet awkward. "Guess I'll be seeing you in Corona on my next visit, son." He said.

Eugene glanced at his father. "I am looking forward to this, dad." He said.

Quirin holds Eugene's left shoulder. "Take care of yourself, Eugene. And thank you." Quirin said.

Eugene chuckles. "I will, Quirin. I should be the one to thank you." Eugene added. He sighed. "Thank you for everything for not giving up on me." Eugene said.

Quirin smiled. Eugene and Quirin embraced. Then, Eugene embraces King Edmund. King Edmund used his left arm to embrace Eugene back.

King Edmund grasps his son. "You better get to the kingdom, Eugene. Corona doesn't protect itself." King Edmund reminded.

Eugene was perplexed yet smiling. "Thanks, dad." He said.

King Edmund released Eugene. King Edmund was proud of his son.

Eugene hopped on Maximus. The white horse smirks at the captain.

Eugene was mischievous yet grinning. "Ready, Max?" Eugene asked.

The white horse nodded its head.

Eugene and Maximus viewed at the castle.

They are delighted yet determining.

Eugene took the reins. "I had finally got a second chance. I'm gonna go make a living in Corona." He said.

Eugene kicked the white horse lightly. "Make haste, Max!" Eugene exclaimed.

The white horse neighed happily. Maximus galloped forth swiftly.

Eugene and Maximus are going to Corona.

Adira was bemused yet confident. She crisscrossed her arms. "Fishskin's moving on." Adira believed.

Kiera and Catalina are delighted.

Lance was thrilled. "Eugene sure did." He commented.

Varian enters his house.

Quirin detected his son. He was confused. Quirin goes to Varian's house.

Quirin was checking his son. He surveyed around. "Varian?" Quirin inquired. He searched the living room. Varian was not there. Quirin searches his son's bedroom. Nothing. He checks out Varian's lab. Quirin was astonished.

Varian was on his knees. He steadied himself. Varian touched his head. He was dizzy. Varian was breathing with unease.

Quirin hurries to his son. "Varian!" Quirin exclaims. He carries Varian in his arms. Quirin was concerned. "Varian, are you hurt?" Quirin wondered.

Varian was melancholy at his father. He has puppy eyes. "No, dad...I was just...frighten...about...yesterday...that I...I forgot" Varian replied in his whimpering.

Quirin sighed. He was relieved. "Do not worry, son. I got you. I got you, Varian." Quirin reassured.

Varian was astounded at his father.

Quirin got Varian out of his son's lab. Quirin took Varian to his bedroom. Quirin put Varian down on his son's bed. Quirin touches Varian's head. "Just stay in bed. I'll fix you some soup." Quirin told his son. He tucked Varian in with the blue blanket. Quirin kissed his son's head.

Varian was bewildered yet smiling.

Several minutes later, Quirin made a bowl of soup for his son. He was feeding Varian with a spoonful of soup. Ruddiger cuddled in Varian's right arm. The raccoon smiles in its nap. Varian blows his food before he ate it.

Quirin was compassionate. "Son, what happened yesterday?" He added, asking. "You can tell me. I'm your father. It's just us." Quirin reassures.

Varian took a deep breath. He ate another before he could answer. Varian was gloomy. "When I was kidnapped, dad...Lady Caine took me to her pirate ship...Stalyan freed her back in Corona..." he answered.

Quirin was not surprised. He gave his son another spoonful. "What else happened, Varian?" Quirin wonders.

Varian blew it before he eat it. Varian was heartbreaking. "Stalyan wanted my big brother...Lady Caine was trying to make me drink the potion...It has the Loss-of-Memory berries in it...The dragon saved my life..." he added, replying and whimpering. Quirin was befuddled. He blinked his eyes twice. Varian goes tearful. He was breathing heavier. "I don't know where I was after the dragon...I was scared...I tried to get away...I was sinking into quicksand...Brock Thunderstrike saves me...He was pretending to be Flynn Rider too...Brock got a dragon with him...It was a friendly dragon...Brock helped me get the shackle off of my hands...He was bringing me home...Brock has done nothing wrong...And I couldn't eat after...after Eugene arrested a good guy..." Varian sobbed in explanation. He shuts his eyes. Varian's tears drenched his face.

Quirin placed a bowl of soup on the nightstand. He leaned his forehead after Varian's. Quirin holds his son's head. Varian can't stop crying. Quirin closed his eyes. He comforts Varian. "Shhh..." Quirin added, speaking quietly. Varian opens his eyes halfway. He was gasping. Quirin was sad. "Eugene and I are just worried about you...We both thought we lost you...We're too frightened by the thinking if you drank the potion from Lady Caine...Eugene and I love you so much..." Quirin whispers.

Varian fluttered his eyelids thrice times. He was settled down yet glum. Varian stared amazingly at his father. "Dad..." he said softly.

Quirin opened his eyes. He made a pitiful smile. "Son...I gotta know what you told me...Just one thing..." Quirin added. "Did you ride the dragon?" He asked.

Varian gave his father his puppy eyes. "Believe it or not dad..." he added, smiling. "I have...And I feel like a bird..." Varian answered.

Quirin and Varian embraced with their heads.

They are going close to get along.

Quirin let go of Varian's head.

Quirin continues to feed his son with soup.

Varian was getting plenty of bed-rest.

On the next day, Quirin and Varian are in front of Varian's house. They smiled at each other.

Ruddiger was on Varian's left shoulder.

Varian and the raccoon embraces their heads. The alchemist was happy. "We're gonna help the village, Ruddiger. Me and my dad." Varian uttered.

Quirin held Varian's right shoulder.

Varian looked at his father with his sweet smile. He holds his left arm.

They are proud to live in Old Corona.

Sorry if I made you guys cry! Varian's tale next! Next part soon!

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