The Tale of Maximus, Pascal, Ruddiger and Hamuel 2

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On the other side of Old Corona, Maximus halts his galloping.

The white horse made it to the cavern.

The Cave of Abyss.

Pascal and Ruddiger are relieved.

Maximus was cheerful. The white horse walks forth slowly.

The raccoon jumped off of Maximus.

Ruddiger was mad. The raccoon stops the white horse.

Maximus was astonished at Ruddiger. The white horse was frowning. Maximus neighed.

The raccoon shook his head twice. Ruddiger squeaks urgently. The raccoon gestures out to the white horse. Ruddiger squeaked angrily.

Maximus was confused.

The raccoon makes a scary monster face. Ruddiger pretends to be the evil creature. The raccoon roars in its squeaks.

The white horse blinked its eyes twice. The green chameleon blinked its eyes twice too.

Ruddiger pouted. The raccoon crisscrosses its paws.

Pascal pulls Maximus' mane.

The white horse was curious at the green chameleon.

Pascal frowned. The green chameleon shook its head thrice. Pascal was irritated. The green chameleon believes it's not worth it.

Maximus neighs in his rant.

Pascal got dizzy.

The white horse faced Ruddiger. Maximus snorted in his anger.

The raccoon did not move a muscle. Ruddiger was still mad. The raccoon blinked its eyes.

The white horse was warning Ruddiger.

Then, the raven glided pass Maximus.

The white horse, the green chameleon and the raccoon witnessed Hamuel. They are surprised.

The raven has not stop flying forth.

Maximus was triggered. The white horse neighed sternly.

Pascal pulled Maximus' mane harder.

The white horse flipped its mane. The green chameleon flew out in the air.

Ruddiger was nervous. The raccoon waved its paws at Maximus crazily. Ruddiger squeaks in his beg.

The white horse gallops swiftly.

The raccoon looked at Maximus. Ruddiger was alarmed. The raccoon squeaked.

The white horse followed Hamuel.

The raven was way ahead of Maximus. Hamuel just continues gliding forth. The raven ascends in the air.

The white horse catches up to Hamuel. Maximus was staggered. The white horse halted by its hooves.

Maximus ultimately stopped. The white horse was stunned.

There was a ginormous lime-colored snake. It was snoozing in its coils.

Maximus surveyed the tree behind the slumbering snake. The white horse found the raven.

Hamuel was dangling under the tree branch. The green leaves concealed the raven's beak. Hamuel was agitated. The raven's beak was shut tight. Something gagged Hamuel. The raven couldn't quit squirming under the tree branch. Hamuel flapped his wings frantically. The raven can't make a caw. Hamuel was muffling.

Maximus shook his head in disbelief.

And suddenly, something dropped the raven from above. It looked round and glossy. The apple was not red.

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