The Tale of Kiera and Catalina 2

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Note: Long part. Ashina means female wolf.

What the Werewolf?

In Old Corona, the village was peaceful at night.

Suddenly, there was the wolf's howl. It was heard from the far distance.

On the next morning, Lance begins working in the Snuggling Duckling.

Kiera and Catalina gives up their thieving times for the first time.

They are helping Quirin with watering the pumpkins.

Kiera was bemused. "Sir, when are the pumpkins going to be out of its patch?" She asked.

Quirin was confident. "Just until harvest season, Kiera." He answered.

Catalina was delighted. "That's on the first day of Autumn, is it?" She wondered.

Quirin nodded his head. "That's right, Catalina." He replied.

Kiera was annoyed. "Great. It's only a whole week away to get to harvest season." She said in her discern.

Quirin shrugs. "I figured you two girls are doing a good job here." He added. "Why not go spend time with Varian for a while?" Quirin inquired in his suggestion.

Catalina was perplexed. "Are you sure sir?" She asked.

Kiera rolls her eyes. She was not excited. "Sir, V only talks and does all day about is metal thing-ys, scienc-y things and other thing-y I might don't get." Kiera clarified.

Quirin was patient yet still smiling. "It's okay with me, Catalina." He added, answering. "Go see Varian. My son doesn't mind some company for once." Quirin said.

Catalina was cheerful. "All right, sir. And thank you." She said.

Kiera was peeved. "Fine, sir. And thanks for letting us help you for your garden." She said.

Quirin smiles and nod. "You're welcome, girls." He said.

Kiera and Catalina went to Varian's house.

Before they go meet Varian, Kiera and Catalina checks out for Eugene.

Eugene uses a different cool rag to tend his right shoulder. He was agitated at first. Then, Eugene was astounded. He detected the girls.

Catalina was delighted. "Hi, Eugene." She greeted. Catalina waved at him.

Kiera was not amused. "How's your right shoulder going?" She wondered.

Eugene took a deep breath. He was awkward yet happy. "Hey...It doesn't look pretty since yesterday...I have looked at my bruise this morning...I thought it was okay...Annnnd..." Eugene added. He was nervous. "It's becoming black and blue..." Eugene replied honestly.

Catalina wasn't disgusted. She was pitiful. "I'm certain your right shoulder will be better soon." Catalina reassures.

Kiera raises her eyebrow at him. "And perhaps you could take a bath or something. You looked like you got into a fight or something." She mentioned.

Eugene was cheerful at Catalina. "Aw, how thoughtful of you, Catalina." He said.

Eugene was irked at Kiera. He narrowed his eyes. "You know, Kiera, I always wonder where did you get an idea like that." Eugene said.

Catalina faces Kiera. She was sympathetic. "Kiera, Eugene was having a tough day of his captain training yesterday. He's the next Captain of the Guard of Corona." Catalina clarifies.

Kiera was astonished at Eugene.

Eugene has his eyes widened.

And then, Kiera was mischievous. "Is it just me or is the last Captain of the Guard before anyhow hates you?" She asks.

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