The Tale of Maximus, Pascal, Ruddiger and Hamuel 1

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Race for the Golden Apple

In the mid-day of Corona, the white horse scrolled outside in the town.

The green chameleon and the raccoon are riding on Maximus.

They almost passed by Xavier the blacksmith. He was telling his customer about a myth or legend while working. Xavier was building the shield. "According to the Legend of the Golden Apple, whoever finds the fruit out of gold is able to fulfill one's heart's desire." He mentions.

The white horse halted. Pascal and Ruddiger listens in perplexingly.

It was one of the Coronan royal guard. "Yeah, where is the golden apple you spoke about?" He asked.

Xavier was pleased. "According to the legend, it was just the other side of Old Corona. And the golden apple was being guarded by the ghastly beast." He answered.

The Coronan royal guard was amused. "Wow. Sounds like a pretty good legend." He added. The Coronan royal guard raises his eyebrow. "Only a crazy person would try to risk oneself over the apple of gold." He uttered.

Maximus was delightful. The white horse loves apples. Maximus gallops forward.

The green chameleon and the raccoon are alarmed. They are holding onto the white horse's mane.

Pascal was squealing.

Ruddiger was squeaking in a dread.

Maximus ran out of the kingdom of Corona.

The white horse runs thru the peaceful forest.

Maximus also dashed to pass Old Corona.

Lance noticed the white horse. He tries to wave at it. "Hey, Max-" Lance added. He was confused. Lance follows the white horse's fast-gallop. "Maximus?" He inquired.

Lance watched the white horse galloped away. He blinked his eyes twice.

Adira went out of Varian's house. She glimpsed at Lance. Adira was serious. "Earrings!" She hollered.

Lance startles. He glanced at Adira.

The dark warrior had her hands on her hips. "What are you looking at just now?!" Adira wondered in exclamation.

Lance was baffled. He gestured her out. "I recognized Maximus was galloping in a hurry! Ruddiger and the frog is with him!" Lance hollers in his reply.

Varian was disbelieved. "Wait, Ruddiger?" He added, inquiring. Varian dashes to Lance. "Lance, where is Maximus taking Ruddiger and Pascal to?" Varian wonders.

Lance shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't got a chance." He replies honestly.

King Edmund was stern. He goes to Varian and Lance. "I see where that horse is heading. It's going to the Cave of Abyss." King Edmund believed.

Varian and Lance are bewildered at the dark king. They raised their eyebrows. "The Cave of Abyss?" They asked in unison.

Adira and Quirin walked over.

Adira was aware yet bemused. "The Cave of Abyss is a cavern where the Golden Apple has been held." She answered.

Quirin was concerned. "That place was still being guarded by a frightening monster." He answered too.

Varian was solemn. "Dad, what monster was guarding the Golden Apple?" He wondered.

Quirin sighed. "I didn't checked that cave, son. Hector did." He replied.

King Edmund crisscrossed his arms. "I was with him in the Cave of Abyss. It was the snake as big as the castle." He replied too.

Lance and Varian cringed.

Lance was unease. "That is one big snake." He commented.

Varian was anxious. "Maximus, Ruddiger and Pascal..." he added, gasping. "They don't know about the snake..." Varian said.

King Edmund glances at Varian's rooftop. He was resolute. "Hamuel! Follow Maximus! Warn that horse about the snake!" King Edmund shouted.

The raven heard the dark king's order. Hamuel opens up his black wings. The raven caws twice. Hamuel jumped and glides forward. The raven disappears into the distance.

Adira was bemused yet unsure. She tilts her head. "Is it wise to send your black-bird to stop Max, your majesty?" Adira asks.

King Edmund was uncertain yet believing to be. "Hamuel's a smart raven. He'll stop the guard horse in no time." King Edmund answers.

Quirin and Varian looked at each other. They narrowed their eyes. Quirin and Varian stared at the dark king.

The alchemist was annoyed. "I can't see how you couldn't just send your horse, your majesty." He stated.

Quirin was frowning. "I was thinking the same thing." He stated too.

King Edmund was perplexed. Then, he was pathetic. King Edmund sighed. He looks at his horse. "Hey, Domino! Make sure Hamuel is okay!" King Edmund exclaimed.

The black and white was alerted. Domino neighed sternly. The black and white horse gallops forth.

The dark king was perplexing. "I don't know why my horse was necessary." King Edmund added. He smiled. "I still think the raven will stop Maximus." King Edmund said.

Quirin, Adira, Lance and Varian are having second thoughts about Hamuel.

Next part soon!

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