The Tale of the Cheery Dragon 3

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In the Corona castle's dungeons, Stalyan is behind her cell. She crisscrossed her arms. Stalyan was not a happy camper.

Eugene hasn't face her alone. He got King Edmund, Adira and Quirin with him. They are resolute.

Eugene was triggered. "Where is Lady Caine taking Varian?" He asked.

Stalyan rolls her eyes. "I don't know who is Varian, Flynn Rider." She ignored Eugene's question.

King Edmund had his hands on his hips. He raised his eyebrow. "That's Captain Eugene Fitzherbert to you, mam. And don't forget that." King Edmund stated.

Eugene glanced at his father. He was irritated. "Quit helping me, dad." Eugene vents.

King Edmund was confused.

Eugene glances at Stalyan. He glared. "What are you and Lady Caine scheming to do with Corona?" Eugene wondered.

Stalyan was aggravated. "I just wanted Flynn Rider. Lady Caine has taken the boy away with her ship. I let her have what she wants." Stalyan replied.

Quirin loathes at the criminal. He was ticked off. "That boy is my son!" Quirin added, exclaiming. He points at her. "And if SHE hurts him..." Quirin warned.

Stan and Pete appeared. They are surprised of themselves. "Eugene! Dwayne turned himself in!" Stan and Pete shouted in unison.

They all stared at Stan and Pete bewilderingly.

Stan and Pete shifted themselves aside.

Lance seized Dwayne. Lance was not amused. "The idiot thief runs in a panic over things again." He clarified.

Dwayne was scared to death.

Eugene walks up to the Dwayne. Eugene narrowed his eyes. He was annoyed. "All right Dwayne...What did you see this time?" Eugene inquired.

Dwayne was stuttering. "The-dra-the-dra-the-dra-the-dra-" He stumbled his saying.

Adira was bemused yet furious. "Just scream your fear out of your chest!" She hollers.

Dwayne has his eyes widened. He was astonished. "I SAW A DRAGON FLYING IN THE SKY!" Dwayne shrieked. He panted.

They are all (except Stalyan) baffled at Dwayne.

Stalyan was disinterested. "A dragon, really?" She inquires.

Lance shakes Dwayne a little. "Explain to the guards about the dragon, Dwayne." Lance insists.

Dwayne was terror-stricken. He gestures out. "I rather confess, I rather confess! I was with Lady Caine in her pirate ship! She captured the kid! It was all Stalyan's idea!" Dwayne admitted in exclamation.

They are all (except Dwayne and Stalyan) are shocked.

Eugene was sulky at Stalyan. He tightens his teeth.

Stalyan was vexed at the thief. "Traitor!" She exclaimed.

Eugene looked at Dwayne. "What happened in that ship, Dwayne?" Eugene asked.

Dwayne was weirded out. "Lady Caine try to talk the kid in for becoming the villain! The captive declines! She attempts to torture the kid by getting him to drink the potion! That's when I see the dragon!" He answered in his screams.

Eugene grabbed Dwayne's shirt. Eugene was infuriated. "What potion was it, Dwayne?!" He shouts in question mark.

Dwayne was stunned. "IT WAS FROM THE PINK STRAWBERRIES THAT MADE YOU FORGET!" He shrieks in his reply. Dwayne was huffing and puffing.

Eugene dropped Dwayne. Eugene was concerned.

Quirin marched to Dwayne. Quirin was stern at the thief. "That kid is my son!" He added, exclaiming. Quirin furrowed his eyebrows. "Did you have my son?" He wonders.

Dwayne was perturbing. He fast-talks. "No! We abandoned the pirate ship before the dragon got there!" Dwayne replies in exclamation.

Eugene and Quirin are madder at the thief. Their eyes are widened. "You left him with THE DRAGON?!" They inquired in exclamation in unison.

Lance was stumped. "What if the dragon actually rescues Varian?" Lance asked.

They are unanticipated to another character who spoke.

It was Nigel. He was serious. "The dragon would not save the boy." Nigel answered.

Eugene was frowning. "How would you know about dragons, Nigel?" Eugene wondered.

Nigel clears his throat. He was strict. "All the dragons do is fly, breath fire, destroy homes and take innocent people to eat for its hunger." Nigel replied in explanation.

Dwayne whimpered. He ducked himself.

Eugene was argumentative. "Varian's my brother, Nigel! And Quirin's son!" Eugene added, shouting. "You're letting the dragon take him?!" He inquired in exclamation.

Nigel clenched his fists. He was bitter. "You can't do anything about the boy. If your brother has been snatched by the dragon, then he will be sentenced to fatality." Nigel stated. The royal advisor leaves the dungeon.

Eugene loathes at Nigel.

King Edmund was irked. He shook his head. "I don't like that guy." King Edmund commented.

Adira was firm. "What now, Fishskin?" She whispers in her asking.

Eugene was solemn at Adira. "I wanted to save Varian again. Except I cannot this time. I avowed an oath to the last captain for protecting Corona." Eugene clarifies in his answer.

Quirin grasps Eugene's right shoulder. Quirin was sympathetic. "We'll find Varian for you, Eugene. Just take care of yourself with Rapunzel." Quirin reassured.

Eugene smiles sadly at Quirin.

Eugene stayed behind in the Kingdom of Corona.

Quirin, Lance, Adira, King Edmund, Kiera and Catalina are off to search for Varian.

Nigel has a plot with the dragon. He hired some hunters.

Next part soon!

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