The Tale of Eugene Fitzherbert 2

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In Old Corona, there was Varian's house.

Eugene got exhausted. He opened the front door. Eugene surveys the lab. "Varian, are you here?" Eugene asked.

Varian appears from his bedroom. He was cheerful at first. "Hey, Eugene." Varian added, greeting. "I was just going through my next invention-" he tried to finish his sentence.

Varian was astonished. "What the bruises?" He inquired.

Eugene was an absolute mess. He has a left black eye. His training uniform was torn. Eugene was partially covered in mud. He kept rubbing his right shoulder. Eugene was unhappy. "What the bruises is right, brother...I just had a worst first day of captain training of my life..." he utters.

Varian feels sorry for Eugene. Varian take Eugene's right hand. Varian took him in his bedroom. Eugene was concerned. "Is your furniture gonna get dirty if I lay down on it?" He wonders.

Varian seemed to be acknowledging. "I can washed my bed stuffs the next day." He added, replying. "C'mon, big brother. Get on my bed." Varian commanded softly.

Eugene efforts to sit down on Varian's bed slowly. Eugene sighs. He was solemn. "I appreciate your help for me." Eugene said.

Varian sighed. He sat on his bed next to Eugene. "I'm kinda glad you came to me. I missed you." Varian confesses. He made a sad smile.

Eugene makes his awkward smile. He looked at Varian. "I missed you too." Eugene admits.

Varian was surprised. He raised his eyebrow at Eugene. "Hey, what happened with your first day of your captain training?" Varian added, asking. "You appeared to be having a fight or something." He stated.

Eugene rolls his eyes. He was irked. "I didn't have a fight with my competitors, Varian." Eugene answered.

Varian shrugged. "What happened in Corona, Eugene?" Varian asks again.

Eugene was pathetic. "I had a fight with The Captain of the Guard's hard obstacles." He answers again.

Varian blinked his eyes once. He was gloomy. "You're not the next captain huh." Varian believed.

Eugene narrowed his eyes. He was not thrilled. "I'm the next captain of Corona." Eugene mentioned.

Varian was stunned. "WHAT?!" He inquires in exclamation.

Eugene takes deep breaths. He was irritated. Eugene continues touching his right shoulder while he speaks. "I thought the royal guards and soldiers would be ahead of me. Turns out, they don't know what to do when the captain training starts. I was in a lead. I have no idea I was getting a mud-bath treatment from the mud-hole. I was up to my waist when I tripped over the plank. I thought I was disqualified. Then, The Captain of the Guard yells at me to keep going. And I did." Eugene added, clarifying. His right hand gestures at his left eye. "Anyhow, I got a black eye for getting punched at by a moving crook dummy." He explained.

Varian cringed. Then, he was puzzled yet pitiful. "Oooo...And your right shoulder?" Varian wondered.

Eugene was bemused yet angry. "I made friends with Stan and Pete. They're new in Corona to be royal guards." He added, replying. Eugene kept rubs his right shoulder. "They gave me a congratulatory punch at my shoulder. Geez, Stan and Pete are so strong." Eugene mentions.

Varian was compassionate. "Oh Eugene..." Varian said.

Eugene was smiling yet baffled. "Well I have not say anything to Rapunzel after today. And then, she checks up on me. The princess feels bad about my day. Of course, Rapunzel was happy that I'm the next Captain of the Guard." He explains.

Someone handed Eugene a cool rag.

They faced a character confusingly.

It was Quirin. He was sympathetic. "For your right shoulder, Eugene." Quirin said.

Eugene was delighted. "Thanks, Quirin." He said. Eugene's left hand took the cool rag from Quirin.

Varian carefully opens Eugene's shirt. Varian tightens his teeth. He sees Eugene's bruise on his right shoulder. It was a big spot of dark red. "That looks worse than your black eye there." Varian aforementioned.

Eugene tries to breathe in and out. He was relaxed yet hurt. Eugene placed a cool rag on his right shoulder. "It might take more than couple weeks to go away. Don't worry." He reassured.

Quirin was curious. "When do you start working at Corona castle, Eugene?" Quirin wondered.

Eugene was perplexed. "The Captain of the Guard told his men, and me that if one person did made it, one has to start protecting the kingdom of Corona right away." He replied.

Varian was worried. "Eugene, your shoulder..." he notified.

Eugene sighs. He was confident yet sore. "Varian, Rapunzel reasons the soon-to-be-retired-captain about my pains after today. The princess was begging at him. And all of a sudden, he gives me the two weeks notice to start soon." Eugene aforesaid.

Varian was relieved. He sighed. "At least you'll have plenty of rest for couple weeks." Varian uttered.

Eugene touches his right shoulder with the cool rag. He grimaced. "Darn it, Stan and Pete..." Eugene whispers.

Varian was quizzical yet happy. "May I take care of your right shoulder here, big brother?" He wonders.

Eugene was grinning. "Brother, I would be gladder if you do that for me." He replies.

Varian got the cool rag from Eugene. Varian pressed Eugene's right shoulder lightly.

Varian smiles at Eugene. Varian was joyful. "You're going to be a good Captain of the Guard for Corona, Eugene." Varian mentioned.

Eugene was happier at Varian. Eugene smiles big. "I will go see you soon after every day in Corona. I love you, Varian." Eugene said.

Varian was beamed. "I love you too, Eugene." Varian said.

Eugene and Varian leaned their foreheads on to each other. They are embracing in brotherly love.

I don't know which tale to do next. I will figure out eventually. Next character's tale soon!

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