The Tale of Willow 1

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The Meeter and Greeter

In Old Corona, the woman arrives. She has long brown braids in her pigtails. The woman walks in barefoot. She wears the yellow-and-orange shirt. Her pants are light gray. The woman wore a little bit of jewelry. She was eccentric. "Does anyone here point me to Corona?" The woman added, inquiring. She looked at everyone. "I'm visiting my older sister." The woman explains.

Adira walks towards the traveler. She was confident yet bemused. "Who do they call you, free-spirited one?" Adira asked.

The woman gestures herself. "Willow is my name, miss warrior lady." She answered in her introduction.

Willow was smiling. She pointed out at Adira's right hand. "Is that a tattoo you have here, girl?" Willow added, inquiring again. Adira raised her eyebrow at her. Willow was interested. "That looks so you. It's a comet or something." She stated.

Adira smiles. "It's the mark of the Brotherhood." She mentioned.

Willow was cheerful. "The Brotherhood. Sounds like a group." She added. Willow was puzzled. "What is your name, anyway?" She asked.

"Adira." She answered.

Willow was still cheerful. "Well hey Adira. Looking good to be in the Brotherhood group huh." She said.

Adira still smiles at Willow. "Couldn't say the same about you...Willow..." Adira added. She was bemused yet smiling. Adira shrugged. "Don't need a nickname for you...The name you have suits you..." she suggests.

Willow elbowed at Adira. Willow winked. "I liked you, Adira." Willow added. She tries to put her words together. Willow was puzzled. "You're" she said.

Adira crisscrossed her arms. She raises her eyebrow. "Me?" Adira wonders.

Willow snapped her fingers. She was delighted. "Yes, you, thanks Adira." Willow replies.

Adira shrugged again. "Don't mention it." She stated.

Willow faced the village leader.

It was Quirin. He was emotionless. Quirin pointed her a direction. "Corona's straight ahead, mam!" He hollered.

Willow was beamed. "What's your name, pumpkin farmer guy?!" She asked in exclamation.

Quirin was befuddled yet smiling. "Quirin!" He exclaimed in his answer.

Willow waved at the village leader. "Thanks, Quirin! I'm Willow! Loved your pumpkins!" She shouted.

Lance went to Willow. He was happy. "What brings you to Corona, Willow?" Lance wondered.

Willow was quizzed with her smile. "I'm visiting Arianna. She's my older sister." Willow added, replying. She raised her eyebrow. "And you are?" Willow asked.

Lance was a goof. He grinned. "Oh, Lance Strongbow." He answered.

Adira observed the silly woman.

Willow was impressed. "The muscles you got, Lance. You've been working yourself out huh." She said.

Lance giggled.

Willow smiled. "Hey, the ladies will notice you someday. Keep up your exercising, Lance Strongbow." She said. Willow fingered-points at him. She was scrolling pass the village.

Willow sees the two little girls playing. She was exuberant. "Nice face paints, girls. You're in a club or something. Keep going, you two." Willow said.

Kiera and Catalina are baffled.

Willow notices the dark king. She halted. Willow was happy. "Hey, you're in the Brotherhood too. And your crown. You must be the leader of the Brotherhood. Tell me you made the Brotherhood." She said.

King Edmund was perplexed. He tilts his head. "Who are you?" King Edmund wondered.

Willow extended her arms. She grins big. "I am Willow." She replied.

King Edmund cleared his throat. He has his hands on his hips. King Edmund stood straight. He was still perplexed. "Willow, I am King Edmund of the Dark Kingdom. And yes, I created the Brotherhood." He explained.

Willow went wide-eyed with excitement. "I knew it! You and the Brotherhood are so mysterious! I loved it!" She shouts.

King Edmund blinked his eyes twice. He was confident yet awkward. King Edmund raises his eyebrow. "Ever heard of Flynnigan Rider stories, Willow?" King Edmund asked.

Willow was thrilled. "Heard of him?" She added, inquiring. "I loved the tales of Flynnigan Rider! My future nephew-in-law named Eugene looks exactly like him!" Willow exclaimed in her answer.

King Edmund was happier. "Eugene?" King Edmund added, inquiring. "He's my son!" King Edmund exclaims.

Willow has her eyes wider. "No way!" She exclaimed.

King Edmund grins. "Way!" He exclaims.

Willow surveys the village. "Is Eugene here?" She wonders.

King Edmund gestured her out. "In the castle with his brother." He replies.

Willow was mind-blown. She was overexcited. "Whoa! You have two sons!" Willow shouted.

King Edmund was bewildered. "Actually I have-" He tried to finish his sentence.

Willow dashes like a rabbit. "I gotta meet my two future nephew-in-laws and my older sister and my long lost niece!" She hollers.

King Edmund looked at her confusingly.

Willow was heading to the Kingdom of Corona.

Next part soon!

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