The Tale of Lance Strongbow

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The Encouragement

In Old Corona, Lance was helping Quirin for his pumpkins. He was watering them as usual. Lance has a watering can.

Quirin noticed Eugene. He was bothered. Then, Quirin was confident. He faced his helper. "Lance, Eugene just came back from Corona. Just mind my garden. I gotta go check him out." Quirin said.

Lance was cheerful. "Okay, Quirin. I will do that." Lance utters. He was concentrating on not overwater the pumpkins.

Quirin was smiling. Then, he headed to his son's house.

Lance whistles a song while tending Quirin's pumpkin patch. While he continues watering the pumpkins, Lance was mystified. He shakes the watering can. Lance turned the watering can upside down. He moved it up and down thrice times.

Lance was annoyed. "Huh, out of water." He believes.

Lance fetches some water from the river. He fills the watering can cautiously. Lance was satisfied. Then, he was confused. Lance hears the story from the argumentative Eugene. Lance faced Varian's house. He tiptoed on the grassy ground. Lance was puzzling. He listened.

Eugene was peeved. "I was in a lead. I have no idea I was getting a mud-bath treatment from the mud-hole. I was up to my waist when I tripped over the plank. I thought I was disqualified. Then, The Captain of the Guard yells at me to keep going. And I did. Anyhow, I got a black eye for getting punched at by a moving crook dummy." Eugene explains to Varian.

Lance was nervous. He tightened his teeth.

Lance heard Varian's voice of curiosity.

"Oooo...And your right shoulder?" Varian asked.

Lance was curious too.

Eugene sounds grumpy. "I made friends with Stan and Pete. They're new in Corona to be royal guards. They gave me a congratulatory punch at my shoulder. Geez, Stan and Pete are so strong." Eugene answers.

Lance was bewildered. He mouthed the 'Ow' word.

Varian sounds so sorry. "Oh Eugene..." Varian said.

Lance got a bit startled. He was caught by Quirin.

Quirin peeks at Lance thru the window. Quirin was frowning. He crisscrosses his arms. Quirin clears his throat. "Lance..." Quirin warns.

Lance was pathetic. "Sorry, Quirin..." Lance added. "I was refilling the watering can earlier." He explained. Lance showed Quirin the overflowed watering can.

Quirin sighed. He brought out the big bowl with a dry rag. Quirin was solemn. "Just fill the water here and go back to my garden." He commands.

Lance was happy to do it. He waters the big bowl with the watering can.

Lance headed back to Quirin's pumpkin patch.

Quirin helped Eugene for his bruised right shoulder.

After several minutes later, Lance has been finishing watering the pumpkins. He goes to Varian's house. Lance felt awful for Eugene. Lance has not witnessed his childhood friend in his big mess.

Eugene got a left black eye. He's partially covered in mud to his waist. And Varian was taking care of Eugene's right shoulder. Varian was touching Eugene's right shoulder with a cool rag.

Varian was happy at Eugene. Varian smiled. "You're going to be a good Captain of the Guard for Corona, Eugene." Varian mentioned.

Eugene was affectionate at Varian. Eugene smiles big. "I will go see you soon after every day in Corona. I love you, Varian." Eugene said.

Varian was delighted. "I love you too, Eugene." Varian said.

Eugene and Varian leaned their foreheads on to each other. They are embracing in brotherly love.

Lance was heartfelt. "Awwww, this is so sweet." He commented at Eugene and Varian.

Eugene and Varian faces Lance bewilderingly. Eugene was confident yet unanticipated. "May I help you, Lance?" Eugene wondered.

Lance took a deep breath. He was cheerful. "I am here to give you my encouragement for your new step ahead of you." Lance replied.

Eugene raises his eyebrow at Lance. "Your encouragement?" Eugene asked.

Lance nodded his head. "That's it, buddy of mine." He answered.

Varian was befuddled. He raised his eyebrow. "Did you eavesdrop again, Lance?" Varian wonders.

Lance was irked. "Varian, your big brother was loud a bit. I recognized bad days when I heard it." Lance replies in explanation.

Eugene was grumpy. "I'm loud?!" He asks in exclamation.

Lance was bemusing. He faced Eugene. "Well you are easily irritating about everything." Lance answers frankly.

Eugene clings his arms. He was not amused. "WHAT encouragement do you have for me after my day in Corona, huh?" Eugene wondered.

Lance sighs. He was smiling. "I just wanted to let you know something about right now, Eugene." Lance replied.

Varian was baffled.

Eugene was annoyed. He raises his eyebrow at Lance.

Quirin observes Lance puzzlingly.

Lance crisscrossed his arms. "Eugene, it's been almost two years since you hanged around in Old Corona. You're ready to move on your biggest challenge of your life. I have not realized before that you kept your little brother safe from the dangers. You don't have to worry about Varian, Eugene. He's freed from the curse of a scary demon lady." Lance added, explaining. Eugene and Varian looked at each other. They are glad. Quirin smiles too. Eugene and Varian looks at Lance. Lance was hopeful. "You're not just protecting Princess Rapunzel. You're protecting the whole kingdom of Corona for any bad happenings. Kiera, Catalina and I will look after the village here, along with Quirin and Varian. And we will be sure nothing goes wrong." Lance clarified.

Eugene was mystified yet happy. "How is your two little girls by the way, Lance?" Eugene asked.

Varian gestured at Lance. He was cunning. "Kiera and Catalina?" Varian asked too.

Lance was confident yet awkward. "Oh my two little girls are good. They haven't even stole a thing since I adopted them." He answered.

Quirin was stern at Lance. Quirin have his hands on his hips. "Your two daughters steals the villagers' fruit gardens again, Lance." Quirin stated.

Lance was sympathetic yet sheepish. "I will talk to them again today, Quirin." Lance uttered.

Varian was delightful. "Hey, is Kiera and Catalina here?" He wondered.

Lance was cheerful. He nodded his head twice. "Oh yeah." Lance added. "They'll be here any moment now." He replied.

They all became stunned. One of the villagers made a commotion.

"THIEVES!" The villager hollered.

Lance was agitated. "I gotta stop the girls!" He exclaimed.

Lance ran out of Varian's house in a hurry.

Quirin facepalmed in perturbation. He growled.

Eugene was compassionate at Varian. "You go help Lance out. I will take care of my right shoulder here." Eugene suggested.

Varian made a sad smile. He handed the cool rag to Eugene. "Get better, big brother." Varian said.

Eugene took it. "Thanks, brother." He said.

Varian gets up from his bed. He dashed out of his house.

Lance and Varian are on pursuit of Kiera and Catalina. The Silent Strikers.

I got the next tale after this! The Tale of Kiera and Catalina soon!

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