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My updating schedule is all over the place lmao but i love this chapter sooo here you go xxx

also, thank you for 3K on this book <3



Something was up with Sloane.

I couldn't exactly tell what it was, but something was definitely different from Sunday morning. Even if she had been uncomfortable and awkward in the house with me before she left to go to church – of all places – she was still a bit talkative and open.

Now, she wasn't. She sat closed off at the table, staring into nothing most of the time while Blair spoke to some business people. Some commotion at the table caused for me and Sloane to sit next to one another and Blair opposite us. On the other side of me sat the wife of some stuffy lawyer and after about two minutes, we both realized we had nothing in common and had shit to talk about. So we didn't.

The champagne glass in front of Sloane was untouched which wasn't all that surprising since she appeared to not be big on drinking. I was on my third glass already while I assumed Sloane was waiting for the moment the waiter would come pouring water so she could drink that.

"Have you decided on what you want yet?" I mumbled to Sloane, leaning into her side a little bit. She jumped up out of her thoughts and brushed her hair over her shoulder before clearing her throat, "No, I haven't actually taken a look yet." She whispered back. I watched her as she opened up the menu and scanned it quickly.

She had her red lip between her teeth, eyes flickering a bit in panic before she exhaled a shaky breath, "What're you having?"

I puckered my lips in thought, "Maybe this one, boeuf bourguignon." I spoke, pointing to the menu. Sloane followed the direction of my finger and let out a breath again, "I... um, what does it mean?" She asked in a small voice. She seemed uncomfortable, eyes wide and round and I shot her a gentle smile, "It's like a beef stew, in red wine. It's good."

"Oh." She muttered, almost embarrassed at the difficult French she hadn't understood. Nibbling back on her lip, she eventually turned the menu to me, "What's this one mean?" She whispered.

I narrowed my eyes to see in the dim light of the restaurant what she pointed at, "Confit de canard? It's duck confit." I spoke, seeing how her nose immediately scrunched up and she slowly shook her head, "Never mind."

The waiter approached the table and started at the other end, and Sloane seemed panicked as she quickly darted her eyes over the menu, tensing up. I scooted slightly closer to her, "What kind of food do you like?" I asked in a hushed whisper.

Her breaths turned a little shorter, "Uh, s-stuff like chicken. O-or vegetarian. I don't... I've never really gone to a restaurant." Her voice was small again when she refused to look at me. My eyes widened and I stared at her for a second before I tried to find a way to comfort her a little. I couldn't get any closer or I'd sit on her fucking lap.

"Would you prefer if I ordered for you?" I tried in a last resort, "They have a dish with chicken, it's marinaded in red wine too. Kind of like what I'm having but with chicken instead of stew." I softly explained. Sloane's face contorted in relief when she quickly nodded, "Would you? Harry, thank you so much." She hushed back, "I'm sorry, I can get really nervous about stuff like t-"

"It's okay." I shook my head with a small smile, flicking my eyes up to the waiter who had reached us, "Hi. For me the boeuf bourguignon and a glass of red wine. And for her the coq au vin and... some water." I quickly glanced at Sloane and she nodded, approving of the order I made for her. She visibly relaxed in the seat when the waiter simply nodded and wrote everything down, "Coming right up." He smiled, skipping over Sloane and heading back into the kitchen.

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