epilogue. (*)

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still crying


Ten months later || August

"Harry, do you have everything?" Genevieve franctically ran through the house, her blonde hair flying around her frame as she rounded the corner and jumped up the stairs.

"Harry?" She called again, coming to a stop in the doorway of their bedroom, rolling her eyes when she looked inside, "Are you serious?"

Harry smirked as he spooned the sleepy golden retriever on their mattress, "Let me enjoy this, sunny. It's a rare moment for me."

"You're so dramatic." Genevieve chuckled before shaking her head and glancing at the bags in front of the bed, "Harry, come on, we're going to be late. We have to drop him off still."

"I know, baby." Harry shushed softly, "He's just so soft."

Genevieve exhaled a breath before slowly walking up to the bed, staring into the dog's half-closed eyes as he was on his way to sleep. She shook her head and traced her finger over the golden retriever's brow, "You're so spoiled, you know that?"

"So getting cuddles from me feels like spoiling?" Harry teased. Genevieve smiled and hummed, "Yes. But if you don't hurry up, we're going to be late and there won't be any cuddles at all."

Harry pouted and sighed, "Fine. C'mon, Nug. We need to drop you off."

"I'm going to miss him." Genevieve sighed as Nugget softly woke up a little again with Harry unwrapping himself from around the pet. He whined a little at the loss of attention and Genevieve petted his head, "I know, baby. We'll be back soon."

"I'm gonna miss him too." Harry stood next to Genevieve, wrapping an arm around her waist to kiss her temple, "But I'm also excited to have you all to myself for a few days. Ever since we got him, he's been taking up all your time."

Genevieve smiled as she turned to face him, "Listen to yourself." She teased, "You're jealous of a dog."

"Yeah, I am." He admitted, sliding a palm down to her dress-covered ass, "I always knew he'd love you more than he'd love me, but I didn't think it'd be this obvious."

Harry wasn't completely lying though. They got their pup, Nugget, about five months ago and ever since, he had been clinging to Genevieve way more than he had been clinging to Harry. He favoured snuggling her, always begged her to go on walks, and was rather unamused when Harry spooned up to Genevieve on the couch as they watched television in their home.

Harry figured it was because he was a lot more strict with Nugget about a few house rules in contrast to Genevieve. Harry also always wanted to take pictures of him, sometimes trying for hours in a row to get the perfect shot - much to Nugget's dismay because Harry constantly waved treats in front of him and tricked him time and time again, thinking he'd give him one.

One more thing was that Harry always took Nugget on jogs, completely tiring out the dog, rather than Genevieve who took him on mellow walks.

Harry stroked his fingers through Genevieve's long hair, dipping his head to softly kiss the tip of her nose, "D'you want to drive or should I?"

She nibbled her lip uncertainly, "Maybe you should."

"Baby." Harry pouted, "If you never practice, you're never going to feel confident doing so."

Genevieve rolled her eyes and Harry pinched her ass as a warning. Genevieve got her license a few months ago and all went smoothly, until she had a near accident while driving Harry's car once. Ever since, she had been a little spooked and usually let Harry drive as she co-piloted. His palms gently squeezed her full hips, feeling her curves through the peach-toned dress she wore today.

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