one shot: harry & genevieve. (*)

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Disclaimer: this happens after the epilogue!! sorry for any confusion in the timeline, but this is after harry & genevieve got engaged and had the baby talk.

Word count: 8,657


Harry's foot was anxiously tapping on the wooden floor of the office he was working at. Jeff was a desk away, finishing up as well but Harry promised to finish his file.

Mitch was here too, already lounging on the couch because him and Jeff were going to some concert.

They had asked Harry to join and he hadn't hesitated for a split second to deny them. He had more important things to do tonight.

He cleared his throat softly and tried to focus back on the words on his screen, but his eyes continuously drifted to the other tab he had open. He bounced his leg again and sighed, taking another sip of decaf coffee. One thing he had heard was that he had to skip coffee. As did Genevieve.

He glanced at the clock.

5 p.m.

He glanced at his phone next, seeing no calls or texts from her. He stroked his forefinger over his stubble above his lip, wondering if she was on her way home. He grabbed his phone and typed the message saying he was going to be slightly late.

"Fucking hell, focus." He mumbled to himself, blinking a few times in order to really finish this file tonight and get on with it. He needed to get home.

"Dude..." The voice next to him startled Harry, jumping up in his chair as he saw Mitch squinting at his screen before huffing, "Healthy sperm? Bro..."

"What?" Harry shrugged, quickly closing the tab, "Look, I have to finish this." He tried and Mitch chuckled, "Why are you looking up all these websites?"

"Because I want to do it right."

"You want to get your fiancée pregnant the right way?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "I just don't want to disappoint."

"Isn't it... your first time trying?" Mitch frowned. Harry sighed again, "Look, I'm working."

"No, no, talk to me about this." He could hear the cheesy, teasing grin in Mitch's voice. Mitch lifted his head, "Hey, Jeff, c'mere."

Harry groaned a little and rubbed his forehead, "Guys, I'm just trying to finish this s-"

"So you can make Gen finish tonight?" Jeff butted in, playfully stomping Harry's shoulder. Harry leaned back in his chair, now surrounded by his two friends. The other guys him and Jeff worked with had left already as the sun was slowly going down. It was November now and London was surprisingly cold and dark already. Harry didn't like it.

He wanted to be back in St. Ives with Genevieve. In the sea and the sand and basking in the warmth of his own personal sun. And amazing, amazing sex. The night he proposed, the moment she said she wanted to try for a baby... They were both top moments in his life. And he hoped maybe tonight would be another one of them.

Because Genevieve was almost ovulating.

She stopped her pill a few months ago and they visited a doctor soon after to go over a plan of conception and to see if they both were healthy. The doctor said it might take a few months after quitting the pill for her to fall pregnant, so this was the first month they were actively trying.

And he couldn't fucking wait. He had been looking forward to this for so long. They both made sure they had the night off since a few little drama's at Lotus had made sure that Genevieve had been working late nights. So they made the best of the mornings they shared together and she surprised him with lunch sometimes.

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