51. (*)

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!! PART TWO OF A DOUBLE UPDATE. Read chapter 50 first if you haven't.


It didn't take us long to find a place to eat, opting for a little tapas bar so that we could do food sharing and have a cocktail. It had Spanish vibes to it, the music making us move a little bit in our seats at how infectious it was. The food was a bit of a hit and miss, some dishes speaking more to us than others until we were playfully fighting over the final bit of patatas bravas which was an absolute hit.

It neared half past ten when we walked out of the restaurant and Genevieve wrapped her arms around herself from the fallen temperatures. We stood together for a bit on the sidewalk, contemplating what to do next.

We could go to a regular bar and talk or dance a little, but Genevieve only partly seemed enthusiastic about that idea.

"I want to do something... maybe a little crazy tonight." She spoke, shrugging her shoulders, "I don't know what. Just – something we haven't done, something out of our comfort zone, to take our minds off of things."


I slowly nodded, "Okay." I was a little confused and Genevieve stood closer to me before nibbling her lip, "Maybe... sexual?"

My face fell into realization as I blushed slightly, "Oh." I chuckled, "Right. Uh – yeah. What'd you have in mind?"

My brain spun with the endless possibilities. Toys, maybe anal. There were so many fantasies. Genevieve shrugged, "I'm not sure yet."

"Should we give that Ashley girl a call?" I suggested carefully. I nibbled my lip, nerves coursing through my veins at just the thought that I could be participating in an unprepared threesome tonight.

Genevieve raised her brows, "Really?"

I scratched the back of my head, "I-I mean, if you want to."

Genevieve sighed, "Well... I do want to try something special, o-or something new. For us." She wrapped her arms around herself, "But maybe we're not ready for that."

Relief flooded me as I quickly nodded, "No, maybe not."

"I just... really need to – I don't know. Do something. Something stupid, something maybe a little crazy. I don't know. I need to –" She cut herself off with a sigh and I placed my hands on her arms, "I know." I murmured, "I know, sunny. Y'need to distract yourself."

"Yeah." She nodded softly before peaking up at me, "Are you okay with that?"

I nodded, "But I want to be there for you. I don't want you to go out by myself."

"I don't want to go out by myself either. B-But I think... I think I need to be Sloane tonight."

My brows raised as I stared at her dumbfoundedly. It was silent between us for a few seconds before I let my eyes trail over her figure, "Is that why you dressed like that?"

Genevieve nodded, "I did." She whispered, "I don't know. It's stupid, and probably unhealthy. I-I know you probably don't agree with how I'm handling this." She scratched right above her eyebrow, a nervous trait of hers. Genevieve pressed her lips together and I frowned, "I'm not to tell what's a good or a not good way to handle things. I think if we communicate... we're good." I tried to soothe her.

It's why I denied her earlier today, because she was sobbing and then trying to soothe it with sex, to avoid talking about her emotions. But Genevieve had talked about her emotions plenty today and had experienced a rollercoaster of them. She did deserve fun and she did deserve to forget, to put a spin on a day like this.

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