66. (*)

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"Are you ready to go? Did you empty out that closet?" Jeff pointed to the set of drawers on the other side of the room.

I nodded, zipping up another duffle bag, "Yeah, I did."

"Did you check the bathroom?"


"Bedside table?"

I snickered and shook my head, "You're impossible. Yes, yes and yes to everything you'll ask. Been through this place three times, Jeff. I've been packed since last night."

"You're really ready to leave." He remarked. I nodded as I fixed up the curtains a little, leaving everything at Windermere House behind neatly, hopefully including part of my trauma, "Really sucked to see Gen leaving yesterday. Knowing I was getting out today just made me want to go with her. I had never had such a hard time to watch her leave before."

"You'll see her soon, you little sap." Jeff teased as he patted my shoulder, sitting next to me on the bed as we waited for Flo to come take us down after checking the room. I ran my fingers through my longer hair as Jeff took a breath, "I'm really happy for you two, Harry. You deserve it all. It's... it's really mature, the way you two handled this."

"Thanks." I mumbled as I offered him a small smile, "And Jeff, thanks for looking out for me."

"Anytime, mate."

We were left in silence for a minute until Jeff puckered his lips, "You sure you didn't leave any condoms or dirty magazines in that bedside table, hm? Don't want to give Flo a heart attack."

I rolled my eyes, "Why on earth would I have condoms here. It's a no-sex policy, Jeff. It's a hospital."

"Haven't had sex in four weeks..." He mockingly mused out loud and I rolled my eyes again, "You didn't have sex with Glenne for nearly six months."

"She was on the other side of the world."

"I was in a mental hospital." I bit back, pressing my lips together until we both burst out into a chuckle. Jeff patted my shoulder again, "Seriously, H. I'm so proud of you. Don't think I could've done what you did."

"What do you mean?"

"Stayed calm." Jeff shrugged. I frowned, "I didn't stay calm. I had a fucking mental breakdown and Gen had to call 911 and they sedated me."

Jeff huffed, "Yeah, I know. I was there. And no, I mean, with Blair. I seriously... I don't know. Don't you just feel the need to punch her in the face?"

My brows raised until I tilted my head to the side, "Kind of. But I'd never do that."

"She hit you all the time."

"Thanks for the reminder." I sarcastically spoke, only now trying to find the humour in my own misery. It's something I learned from Kayden, especially because during our first session I just started laughing uncontrollably as I was attempting to tell my story. Like... maniacally. I didn't understand how he wasn't frightened of me. But I was explaining it, what happened with Blair and how I fell for Genevieve and then the divorce and the baby and it just... sounded made up.

But instead of judging me, Kayden laughed along. Like boisterously. Loudly. Our laughs echoed through the therapy room and I supposed people in the rooms next doors must've thought we were nuts. We eventually died down to giggles and after a few deep breaths, I cried.

I swallowed at the memory and shrugged, "Still think it's never okay to hit a woman."

"It's not." Jeff agreed, "It's also sort of not okay to hit a man. Or your partner. No matter what gender. But I still think I would've broken her nose if I were you."

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