6. (*)

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"Shouldn't you be preparing for your new job?" Madison teased from next to me as I was at my vanity. It was a Friday night at Lotus and I was dancing tonight, getting ready to do my set in front of my lit-up vanity backstage.

I rolled my eyes slightly, word had spread quickly that I had signed the contract for Mrs. Hilton and that I wasn't going to be spending that much time at the club anymore now that I was in this exclusive commitment with her and her husband.

"Yeah," Crystal chimed in, "speak now that you're allowed to, Sloane." She mocked Mrs. Hilton.

I sighed and ignored them, clearing my throat as I finished up my make-up. Charlotte joined the other two, who watched me as I got ready, "You're gonna be a millionaire soon, we won't see you at all anymore."

"Guys, please." I snickered, "nothing's changing." It wasn't true, but I also didn't want to give them any details.

"I still can't believe she didn't want any brunettes." Charlotte scowled. I let out a breath while coating my lashes in black mascara, "Well, everyone's got preferences, don't they?" I wasn't sure why I was defending Blair, but it was out of my mouth before I realized it.

"What're you going to do with all the money?" Crystal asked and I shrugged, "I don't know, invest it wisely. Maybe I don't even last a week with them, who knows."

"Is she really that horrible?" Madison asked curiously and I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to spill anything. I have a contract and it's none of your business." I bit back slightly, hoping they'd back off. I turned to look at them over my shoulder, "Besides, you could all be happy for me. I know I would be if it were one of you getting this opportunity."

Anna came from around the corner with a frown on her forehead, looking at the three girls interrogating me, "Sloane's right. We can all use the money. She got the opportunity this time, it'll be one of us next time." She simply shrugged, "Sloane can do with the money what she wants."

The three others rolled their eyes and eventually went back to their vanities when they realized I wasn't giving them any dirt. I shot Anna a thankful smile which she returned, walking up to me, "Do you have any body spray?" She asked, scanning my vanity.

"Yeah," I nodded, "second drawer."

She was already in her lingerie, as was I. Sets were beginning soon and I wasn't sure about the schedule, but I wanted to be prepared, wearing another rose gold set with diamonds. Fitted for me. I looked impeccable, if I said so myself.

I hadn't heard anything from Mrs. Hilton ever since I visited her on Wednesday and Harry walked in on us. I still blushed thinking about that moment. Thankfully, Ezra had kept quiet about it as had I, and he was the only one I'd talk to about my stuff with the Hilton's. No matter how much I liked the other girls here, they wanted gossip and I wasn't allowed to spill anything.

I signed the contract and the NDA, giving it back to Ezra to send to Mrs. Hilton and I hoped she received it already and she'd be in touch with me soon. I filled out everything, except for the part where they asked my real and full name. I wasn't comfortable disclosing that kind of information.

I was Sloane, I had to be Sloane. That was the only way I coped.

"Are they giving you a hard time?" Anna questioned as she rubbed some body spray onto her legs to make them glimmer. I shrugged my shoulders while brushing through my hair, "Not really." I dismissed. Jealousy wasn't uncommon in a business like this. Some girls were more successful than others but I always tried to put that into perspective.

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