67. (*)

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"Oh!" I gasped awake, eyes shooting open as my back arched up.

My fingers clawed at the bedding as I tried to figure out my surroundings, immediately feeling more relaxed when I inhaled the familiar scent of Harry, feeling the warmth radiating off his chest as he hovered over me.

Another moan slipped from my mouth before I could decently see him in the dark, but I could feel his cock moving inside of me. My hands shot up, gripping around his biceps as I let out a stuttered breath, "H-Harry."

He groaned into my neck in response, rearing his hips back before sensually sinking back inside of me. My legs parted wider on instinct when I revelled in the primal feeling of him filling me up before I was awake enough to have any other thought.

Goosebumps rose over my skin when he trailed his fingers down my thigh, hiking my warm leg up around his hip as he moved more comfortably, "Couldn't sleep." He murmured as he slowly fucked me in the middle of the night, my eyes attempting to adapt to the dark of my bedroom. I had no idea what time it was but neither of us seemed to care, Harry seemed awake enough.

"Couldn't sleep, couldn't stop thinking about you. How much I missed you. Missed you too much." He continued, lips brushing a trail of little kisses over my collarbones and up to my ear. I bit my lip and tilted my head to the side, relaxing into the bedding. Harry gently flicked his tongue over my earlobe, "Fucking dreamed of your little pussy." He whispered, "Slipped my hand up your leg only to find you all warm and sticky between your thighs, sunny."

I tilted my pelvis back into him, sparks of pleasure shooting through my lower half. Harry's hand found my breast, palming me and toying with my nipple, "D'you want me even when you're asleep?" He huskily asked, "D'you want me to fuck you awake like I did now? Feels good?"

"Yes." I croaked, moaning again, "Feels s-so good. Always feels so good."

"Always so fucking ready to take me." Harry hissed as he gave a harder thrust, "Always wet and open for me, waiting for my cock inside of you, hm? Gagging for it, dreaming of it. Dreaming of me having you like this after all these weeks."

"Always dreaming of you." I confirmed, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him down. Our lips met in a sloppy kiss as Harry moaned into me, "Yeah? Got me so obsessed with you, Gen. 'M so fucking hard all the time. Feel me? Feel how deep I am? 'S where I always want to be." He grunted out with a deep thrust, somehow the head of his dick nudging up further into my front wall, making tears come to my eyes from the intensity of the pleasure I was feeling.

Harry kissed my cheekbone softly, "No crying yet, baby. That's for after I've had my way with you, hm?" There was a teasing hint to his tone as he grinded back and forth. I spasmed, gasping in desperately as I arched my back, tits pushing into his chest, "Harry – fuck!" I whimpered, "Right there, right there... oh – right there."

My eyes closed tightly as his hard length massaged my most sensitive spot, legs quivering. Harry stared down at me with mesmerized eyes, always in disbelief of the ways he was able to wreck me so easily. He straightened up, scooting his knees closer to stay seated as deep as possible but his hands trailed down my legs until he reached my shins and he pushed my legs up, knees bending against my shoulders.

"Fuck!" I cried, coming on the spot when he continued taking me like that, not slowing down as I fought for air and whimpered out his name desperately, my tired body awoken by a heavy orgasm. My legs fought against his grip and Harry eventually released with a cocky smirk, eyes hungrily trailing down my torso before landing on my cunt and the way he disappeared inside of me, hips flush to mine.

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