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once more this turned into an emotional rollercoaster so IM SORRY!!!

also hiiii welcome back <3



The first moment I suspected something was up, was when I was on a call with Harry the following day and I heard stumbling and walking in the background. He spoke silently, as if whispering under his breath and when I asked him about it, he said he was just tired.

I brushed it off.

The moment I knew something was wrong, was when Mrs. Hilton called me. I remembered staring at the screen of my phone for a good few seconds before shakily answering it. I wondered if she figured out about me and Harry, if she'd yell at me and curse me out, if she'd ruin my life. Or maybe she didn't and just needed company and a shoulder to cry on after their separation.

What I didn't expect, was her to casually ask me to an event and party with her and Harry. She said it so normally too, like nothing was wrong. I was frowning with my phone pressed to my ear, listening to her chirpy voice until I realized that for her, nothing truly was wrong.

It was a week like any other for Blair. She was living at home with her husband – even if they were going through a rough patch because they hardly spoke and slept in separate rooms – and she went to work every day and upheld her pristine public image. Nothing was off.

"I know it's short notice, Sloane, but I'd really like for you to be there tonight." She spoke through the phone whilst in the car home from work. It was a Thursday and I had just walked home from the grocery store when I received the call.

I cleared my throat after pulling my thoughts together, "N-No, sure, it's no problem, ma'am. Tonight works fine, I don't work at Lotus." I stammered before sighing out and pressing my lips together, "So it would j-just be... uh – me and you?" I checked.

Mrs. Hilton exhaled, "No, my husband's coming along too. Don't expect too much though, he's been in a sour mood the entire time."

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, the harsh hammering of my heart in my throat proving how hurt I was over the fact that Harry lied to me.

He didn't tell her a thing.

They were still living together, unlike what he said. I felt the tight lump in my throat and willed it away, not wanting to let this affect me this much but I just couldn't help it.

"Right." I squeaked out. Mrs. Hilton seemingly exited the car and slammed the door shut before I heard her stiletto's on their driveway, "It's quite a fancy event. Do you have a dress to wear, still? I don't have enough time to send you something new."

I nibbled my lip and hardly focussed on her question, nodding mindlessly, "Yes, ma'am. I have something, it's okay."

"We're going to have fun tonight, Sloane." She murmured, "I can't wait to show you off."

A pang in my chest at the idea that we were just back to square one. Nothing had changed really. I slumped down in my bed and swallowed thickly, "I'm looking forward to it, ma'am." I lied.

I heard the closing of their front door and then I heard Mrs. Hilton huffing out, "I'm not even through the door yet and you're already giving me a sour face."

I frowned into my phone before realizing she was talking to Harry. He mumbled something back that I couldn't understand and I heard Blair kicking off her heels, "You should stay home tonight if you're in a mood like that, Harry. It's really not fun. I've got Sloane coming with me either way."

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