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"So..." Jeff spoke as Mitch and I were playing a game of FIFA on television as the girls were getting ready.

I pressed my lips together and kept my eyes locked on the screen, knowing very well where he was going with this, "Hm?"

"Gen gave you a dick to wear around your neck."

My lips curled up into a grin and I breathed out a chuckle, "Yeah, she did. You like it?"

"It's risky." Jeff chuckled, "Blair's going to throw a fit when she sees."

"I don't care." I muttered, biting down my lip before jumping up into the couch and cheering for myself, laughing at Mitch at his horrible defence as I scored a goal for my team.

Genevieve and Sarah were getting ready in the bathroom, and I mainly heard Sarah chattering constantly. I wasn't sure if Genevieve was going to change her outfit – she looked pretty enough to me – but Sarah insisted on a girl's getting ready as we waited in here.

With Glenne out of the country for a couple of months, she was really happy to having found another friend. They fit well together, although Gen needed some time to open up to Sarah's bubbly and blunt personality, I assumed. I was surprised out of my mind when the door opened to reveal the pair. Never had I thought that there was a chance they could bump into each other while shopping and spend the entire day together.

It was a lovely surprise, my heart beating overtime immediately when I looked at her. She just caught my eye and I was immediately frozen in conversation. Jeff teased me for it until I stomped his bicep and he yelped.

"Are you guys ready?" Sarah called from the bathroom and Mitch rolled his eyes, "We've been ready for thirty minutes, babe."

"We've been ready for thirty minutes, babe." She mocked him in a low voice and a tinge of frustration there and I snorted, listening to the footsteps coming from the bathroom. My jaw dropped when Sarah appeared. She wore the flared denim pants she bought with a lace corset tucked in it, strapless. It clung to her and due to the high waist of the pants, her legs looked endless. Against her better judgement and against Gen's advice, she did wear the brand new Doctor Martens on her feet, elevating her even more.

Her eye make-up was a little dark and she nervously stood in front of us, eyeing Mitch's reaction, "What do you think?"

Genevieve appeared from behind her with a little smile on her lips, teeth sinking into the plump flesh. She was dressed more or less the same as before, but the jean skirt was swapped out for a black leather one and she wore the same crop top but had a flannel over it.

"You look – I'm – wow." Mitch stammered and Jeff sputtered out a laugh at his friend's speechless reaction. I chuckled under my breath, "Looking really good, Sez."

"Yeah?" She beamed, "Gen did my make-up."

I smiled at Genevieve who simply shrugged her shoulders, but did look quite proud of her work. Mitch found his voice again and cleared his throat, "You look really sexy. Show off that wedding ring tonight, hm? Need them all to know you're taken." He joked.

Sarah held up her left hand to show off her diamond ring with a teasing smile and we all gathered our stuff to finally leave. Walking the street, Mitch had his arm around Sarah and I walked next to Genevieve, hearing Jeff groaning from behind us, "'M gonna be fifth wheeling tonight, aren't I?" He complained.

"How was Glenne? What did she say?" I asked, slowing down a little so the three of us could walk together. Genevieve had left the majority of her stuff at Sarah's and Mitch's place to pick up tomorrow and just had a little purse around her hips with her keys, phone and cigarettes. She had her arms crossed in front of her while listening to Jeff, who sighed out, "She's having a great time in Australia. Which – I mean, that's good. But then again I kind of hoped she'd go insane from missing me so much and she'd return sooner." He admitted.

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