extra: a little way down the road (*)

17.1K 289 397

Word count: 12,650



Harry softly groaned into Genevieve's neck, breathing against her skin as the whisps of her blonde hair flew up a little bit. He tightened his grip around her a little bit, his eyes still closed as she steadily breathed, seemingly unbothered.

They laid spooned in their bed, as they did almost every night. They always insisted on going to sleep on their own sides – knowing they slept a lot better with a little bit more space and to be more awake to work the following day – but somehow Harry was always spooned up into her and they woke up pressed together.

It had led to some incredible morning moments. Many of them with Harry buried inside of her before she was properly awake – still one of his favourite things to do after all these years. She'd gasp and whimper and he'd have to silence her before a certain little girl woke up from their moaning.

Either way, they usually woke up spooned together on a little piece of the mattress, sharing one pillow as Harry had his arm around his wife.

And Genevieve in return had her arm around the pregnancy pillow she couldn't throw away even when she no longer needed it. She had grown insanely attached to it so they laid there, three in a row. She claimed nothing could ever be more comfortable than a pregnancy pillow and it was the best invention ever.

"Sunny?" Harry murmured sleepily, palm on her breast which he gave a gentle squeeze underneath her shit. Genevieve stirred, "Hm?"

"Are you awake?" Harry whispered.

Genevieve took a second to respond before exhaling a breath, "No."

His lips curled up into a smile at her denial and he puckered his lips into the back of her neck, "Yes, you are."

"Daddy!" Another call from inside the house sounded loudly and Harry groaned again while Genevieve yawned, still refusing to properly open her eyes, "I think your daughter's awake."

"She's your daughter too."


Harry sputtered out a laugh and Genevieve smiled along, still staying cuddled into him, "She's clearly calling for you." She spoke matter-of-factly with also not a bone in her body ready to wake up already. Harry grumbled something, clearly also not ready for the day.

"What time is it?" Genevieve whispered. Both still hadn't really moved an inch, yet the padding of little feet in their hallway made them both tense a little bit – preparing for the inevitable.

"Too early as always. And I really regret teaching her how to get out of her own bed." Harry sighed.

"Told you it was a bad idea."

"Daddy!" The voice sounded louder and very awake and Harry braced himself, squeezing Genevieve a final time before their daughter would barge in to disturb their peaceful morning. And right as the door opened to reveal a blonde head of hair, the stirring of their youngest sounded through the baby monitor.

"Fuck, you're kidding me." Genevieve winced, "Two is too much."

Harry chuckled into her neck as he slowly pushed himself up, "Little late for regrets, sunny love." He then turned around with a wide grin, seeing the little blonde giggling girl running up to their bed.

"Morning, Mar." Harry grinned, holding his hands out. She was almost three now, but still had trouble climbing on Harry and Genevieve's large bed. Hers was closer to the floor and Harry had taught her how to get in and out by herself – which prompted Mar to get up on their bed first thing in the morning. Which was usually at like six.

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