Morning, Neighbour

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"Good morning," I managed to respond, still grappling to comprehend the situation at hand. She strolled in without a word, and the spontaneity of her actions left me momentarily befuddled. "Where's your room?" she inquired, catching me off guard. With a perplexed expression, I directed her to the upstairs. "Could you get me some water? I'm feeling a bit weary," she requested, already heading upstairs.

Returning with a glass of water, I found her engrossed in reading my collection of books. "Why those books? Are they related to your studies?" My curiosity prompted the question. "Not at all, but they're captivating," she replied. To my astonishment, she then revealed her intention for my assistance in a research endeavor, despite the fact that I had zero interest in the subject matter.

"But I'm already working on a project with Anli—" "Does it seem like I'm concerned about that? You're joining me on this research, or I could easily recruit Akira instead."

Her directness caught me off guard, leaving little room for negotiation.

In response to her resolute stance, I swiftly agreed to assist with the research. Honestly, the last thing I wanted was for her to involve Akira, who, let's face it, wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Of course, my motivation might have stemmed from more than just avoiding working with him.

"The research is centered on Mount Fuji." Her words piqued my curiosity. "I've always been fascinated by mountains. This is going to be enjoyable!" I couldn't help but express my excitement. "That's wonderful!" It was like I was enamoured... her eyes sparkled like the summer sun on a crisp, clear day. In that moment, I yearned to witness mountains with her by my side. I found myself wishing to experience that before anything else, a fleeting thought of mortality passing through my mind.

It was almost surreal that just yesterday, I had wished for more time with Mihoko, and now we were collaborating on a research project together. Seeking to learn more about her, I posed the question, "Tell me about your likes."

"I'm fond of candies, and for beverages, cold coffee is my go-to. Also, I'm a movie enthusiast." Her preferences intrigued me, particularly the combination of candies and cold coffee, which seemed unique.

Regret immediately washed over me as I realized my remark might have come across as judgmental. Finding something peculiar about someone you admire, well, that's an odd feeling. "You know, it's essential not to worry about others finding your quirks weird. The key is to embrace every facet of yourself," she shared. "Actually, I have a story about going to the movies with my brother..." Her voice carried a warmth that made it feel as though I were stepping into Akira's shoes, experiencing a dreamlike connection.

"My turn," she adjusted herself, settling into a comfortable position. "So... do you have any siblings? You know, because I have a soft spot for younger children. Please tell me you do."

Her expression dimmed with disappointment as I replied with a negative.

"Hey, how about we head to the terrace?" I suggested, hoping to shift the focus. "Won't find kids there but sure." she teased in response.

The sun's rays were intense, casting a strong heat over us, yet the warmth of her company made the weather seem irrelevant as we wandered around.

I often found myself marvelling at her consistent kindness. It was a quality that left me wondering how she managed to maintain it so effortlessly, no matter the circumstances. In a world where people could easily be caught up in their own worries and struggles, she stood out as a beacon of positivity and warmth. Her ability to uplift those around her was truly admirable, and it made me reflect on my own interactions with others. Could I too strive to radiate such positivity? As we walked together on the terrace, the sun's heat seemed to fade into the background, overshadowed by the genuine and bright energy she brought to every moment.

A Few Hours Later

I had an incredible time, getting to know her better. The fact that we couldn't work on the research as much makes it better.

I get more time with her.

As I walked Mihoko to the door, a sudden commotion caught my attention. Riiamu was cycling toward Akira, who was engrossed in his headset, oblivious to his surroundings. In an instant, Akira was sprawled on the ground. Our concern propelled us into action, rushing to his side. "Are you alright?" Mihoko extended her hand to him. And so, the scene unfolded, the original-lovers-moment.

"MY HEADSET IS BROKEN!" Akira's exclamation reverberated as he held up the damaged device. An ominous voice seemed to echo, "Do you have any last wishes?" I looked up to see Anli strolling away, while Riiamu bore the signs of a scuffle. Dread washed over me. "Ageda will show up soon," I muttered, anxiety gripping me. "Is that guy supposed to be scary?" Mihoko asked, confused. "Definitely. He's Riiamu's intimidating older brother." Yet, her demeanour remained unaffected. We glanced at Akira, who still cradled the headset, tears welling up. "Don't worry, I'll get you a new one," I reassured him, offering some comfort.

That evening, our ice cream plans took a back seat. So, I carried on with the assignment alongside Anli. Meanwhile, Anli's mom whipped up a batch of pancakes, clearly with Akira in mind—though, of course, they were for all of us.

Carrying the pancakes, we made our way to Akira's place. But as we arrived, an unexpected sight met our eyes: Mihoko was already there, perched by Akira's bedside. A strange sensation filled my gut, like something was off-kilter. It was as if they existed in a different space, beyond my reach. I tried to engage, to connect, but my words seemed to evaporate before they could reach them. It felt like I was racing, arm outstretched, yearning to close the distance, yet an invisible barrier remained, keeping us apart.

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