Deal? .2

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Mk ran for quit a while but eventually stopped at a alley way and took a seat there.Mk's emotions were a mess.He felt,hatred,sadness,sorrow, and felt vengeful.He wanted to get back at Swk no matter what it took.No matter the cost.Monkie king stopped Him from saving mei,so he was going to stop him from saving others.

As mk continued to sob a familiar dark furred monkey appeared out from the shadows.

Mac:Oh ho!What seems to be the issue kid?
Mk:Ha?!M-Macaque?!*He wiped his face*
Mac:The one and only!What are you doing here?
Mk:W-Why do you care?
Mac:I just want to make sure my favorite student is doing alright.
Mk:Just leave me alone! *Sniff* please...
Mac:Wow kid..Seriously what happened?Aren't you supposed to be like super cheerful?
Mk:How am I supposed to be cheerful when my best friend just died?!*Tears dropped from his face more*
Mk:Just leave!!*He put his head into his knees and cried more*
Mac:Kid,do to talk..?
Mk:W-Why do you care?!
Mac:Let's just say I've had my fair share of death experience so I guess if you need to talk,I'm here?
Mk:Hm...How do I know I can trust you?!
Mac:Do you want to talk or no?

Macaque walked over to Mk and sat by him as Mk explained what had occurred in the earlier events and Macaque just sat there and listened.

Mk:That's what happened.*Wiping his eyes again*
Mac:Geez...I'm sorry I guess..I didn't realize he became so heartless..Well I mean I guess I did but I didn't realize he would just let someone die.Especially his successors friend.
Mk:I'm just sad right now..
Mac:Thats understandable.
Mk:But I also feel mad and angry.
Mk:I just..GAH!Stupid.Stupid.Stupid.
Mac:What's this little play you're putting on?
Mk:O-Oh sorry,i just.I really just hate him right now...I wish he could have took her place..
Mac:*In his mind:Hm,maybe I could use this to an advantage..*Well kid,I could help you~
Mk:H-Hm?What do you mean?
Mac:Well you did just basically say you want Sun wukong..Dead..and well there's no surprise I can help you with that~
Mk:Oh..W-Well I-
Mac:So let's make a deal.
Mk:Hm?A deal?
MacYes!We work together and take down Monkie king and I can help you try and find a way to bring your friend back.
Mk:H-How are you gonna do that?!
Mac:I've got my ways~So what do you say?

Macaque placed a hand out to Mk and Mk was tempted at first but then came Sun wukong on his cloud and noticed Mk.

Swk:Bud!You worried me!
Mk:What do you want..
Swk:Bud I-Wait what is Macaque doing here?!
Mac:Hey peaches~Just stopping by to offer your little successor a deal,y'know the usual~So kid what do you say?
Swk:Mk don't do this!I'm sorry!I swear!
Mk: ...
Mac:C'mon kid.He made prevented you from saving your best friend for crying out loud!!

Mk's body reached out and placed his hand on to Macaque's and shook his hand Swk ran over to quickly grab Mk away from Macaque but instead Macaque pulled Mk though a shadow portal with him and they both fell threw it and made it to a new location.

With Monkie king-

Swk:He's gone...CRAP HES GONE!!!NO NO NO NO NO-

Swk started to panic realizing Mk accepted to a deal with his former friend,Macaque,Who basically knew a lot about his.He was going to help Mk take Him down.He was concerned realizing that Mk had switched Sides now.But it wasn't to late to go and find him to change his mind.But first to convince him he had to do something....

With Macaque and Mk-

Mac:Calm down its not gonna kill you.
Mk:Where are we?
Mac:Well this is where we'll being stay for the time being while I train you to become strong.
Mk:Oh ok...
Mac:Well we can just go inside for today and clean up abit,I'm sure you've had a rough day.

After they had cleaned up and dusted the place a bit they decided to sit down and discuss what they would be doing.

Mac:Ok.So here's our plan.
First we have to train and that's going to take sometime but I grew up with Sun Wukong so I know most of his techniques.Second,We have to defeat and capture Him and take him to a specific someone and they can help heal your friend.
Mk:Are you sure they can help Mei?
Mac:Don't worry kid,She helped me so I'm sure she can help you.
Mk:Ok then..
Mac:Oh yeah by the way,I was supposed to meet up with someone tomorrow but now that we're here I'm going to tell him to meet us here.He has been attempting to help get information for me in exchange for a favor I had done him a while ago.
Mk:Aright.Do we also start training tomorrow?
Mac:Yes,So I need you up and ready by 8 or there with be disciplinary actions.

Y'all I read repeated consequences 🤠
Ngl it had a lot of emotion so it was pretty good I just..HFIAJFIPWKFJOANFJCODKBDJS I also didn't like it because of a lot but yeah-

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