
1K 29 71

Mac:Alright Mk,You ready for this?
Mk:I'll say yes,but no.Not one bit.
Mac:It'll be fine.

Today was the day that they were going to make Sun wukong admit defeat.

Mk wasn't really ready.But he was going to do this whether he liked it or not.

Mk and Macaque started to walk for the door of the Mansion and bumped into Redson.

Red:What are you two doing?
Mac:We're going to put Mk ov-
Mk:Just to go on a walk!!Yeah a walk!
Red:Wait what was Macaque going to say-
Mk:Don't mind Him!!

Mk kissed Red on the cheek and took Macaques arm and dragged him out the front door.Red son got even more suspicious and decided to follow behind them.

Mk and Macaque set off for the volcano.

(The day before Macaque had gone over and set everything up.)

This plan was sure to succeed if there weren't any mishaps or interferences.

They arrived at the volcano a while later.Red had been following from a distance,and once they got to the top Red couldn't see them.

The plan was for Mk to get into a tiny cage Hanging over the volcano,macaque would go get sun wukong,They would convince Sun wukong that if he didn't turn himself over to Macaque,he would drop mk in the volcano.

Mk started to get into the cage and was nervous.He didn't know if this would work.

After Mk got in,macaque made some shadows to go and stand on a ledge In the volcano just in case things didn't go right.

Macaque then tied a tight rope to the cage and then tied it around the ridge of a rock to keep it held up.

Perfect.The set up was done.

Now,they could have done this with one of Mk's clones but mk was sure he'd be fine hanging over lava That could basically kill him if they make one mistake.😺

Ok now all they need to do was get Sun Wukong here and admit defeat.Easy enough.

Macaque made a portal and went to sun wukongs place.

Macaque looked around and saw Monkie king sitting in a tree.

He walked over to him.Sun wukong had been looking the other way and Macaque creeped up behind him.

He slowly climbed up the tree trying to not make a sound.He ended up snaping a small branch which made Sun wukong turn around.

He had been crying.

Mac:Hey peaches~
Sun:What are you doing here?!!
Mac:I'm just here to grab you for a bit.

Macaque started to climb closer to Monkie king.

Sun:Get away from me!!
Mac:Don't be shy peaches~
Sun:Give me my kid back!!
Mac:Hmm..I'll think about it.
Mac:Boo hoo.

Macaque had gotten close enough to Monkie king and grabbed him making them both fall.Before they hit the ground macaque made a portal back to the volcano.

They fell through and landed on the top of the volcano.Macaque got up and quickly dusted his self off.

Monkie king got up a few moments later and looked around.


In a cage?

Redson had started to climb up the volcano a bit more and got closer to the top.

He was confused as to why they were at a volcano but continued to climb up.

When he got to the top he was meet with the sound of a thud.

And quickly hid.

Mac:Now.I've got a proposal for you.(💍)
Mac:Ah Ah Ah~ Look here.

Macaque grabbed Monkie kings face making him look at Macaque.

Mac:Now I'm going to ask you a question and your answer depends on if I drop the kid.

Reds mind:What?Drop the kid?Are they talking about Mk?!No..Macaque would never..Right?

Redson took a look again and saw the two monkeys standing there.He looked up and sure enough there was Mk.

Redson felt confused.Didn't Macaque treat Mk like he was him own kid?Why was he trying to kill him now?It makes no sense.

Mac:Calm down.
Sun:Please don't hurt him..*His eyes started tearing up*
Mac:Are you willing to give your self up?
Sun:Yes!!Just don't hurt him!

Mk felt guilty.Seeing him cry.Seeing him say not to hurt mk.But did he mean it?Did Mk want to feel bad?Why did he feel bad?

Mac:Easier said then done.I'll let him go but first~

Macaque turned Monkie king around and tied his hands behind him.

He sat Monkie king down and went to go and let Mk down.Sun wukong sighed as his kid would be safe.

Redson watch as he did and grew furious.How could he sit there and watch over Mk,train him,treat him like his own kid,and then try to kill him?!

Macaque went to go and remove the cage from over the lava but as he removed the rope from a ridge he had it tied to..

it slipped from his hand.

He went to go grab it but it was out of his reach now.

Macaque turned to Mk.He Grew panicked and rushed over to the edge.

Monkie sat there.He had just watch his kid fall into a volcano.It's not an every day thing.He started to shed tears.

Redson Went cold.Was Mk going to die?Was he just going to sit here and watch him fall in.No.

Redson quickly got up and rushed to the edge of the inside of the volcano.

Macaque noticed and held red away from it.Redson was Mad.His head bursted into flames.Macaque wasn't fazed but just couldn't let Red watch.

He didn't want him to watch.

It would hurt him.He loved him.He couldn't just let him watch.

As Mk fell,he kind of just excepted death with welcoming arms.His sweet release.His final moments,Falling into lava in a cage all because he held a grudge against someone who let him watch his best friend die.

As the cage fell Mk noticed a blur of Red run out towards him.Not only were Monkie king and macaque going to watch him die.His partner was aswell.

Couldn't things get any better!

Dayum I made that falling scene seem long.

|  _ |

*Several years later*

You get it :)

Have a good day/Night BUUUHK BYEYYEYYY!!E

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