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The next morning Red son woke up first,He and Mk were tangled up.

His arms around Mk and Mk's around him.Their legs looked like they were knotted and Mk's tail wrapped around Reds arm.

Mk was still asleep.a little bit of Drool coming down from his mouth.Red son didn't want to Move and Wake Mk up so he stayed there,Staring at Mk.

After about 10 minutes Red decided to just wake him up.

Red:Noodle boy.Wake up.
Red:Wake up noodle boy.
Mk: ...
Red:*He sighed*Stop being difficult,If you want you can just go lay in your bed.
Mk: ...
Red:I didn't want to do this.

Red sat up and Mk still held onto him.Red stood up carrying Mk who,again,Fell asleep.

Red carried Mk all the way back to that pond they were at a while ago and..Oops.He dropped Mk in the water.

Red:Next time,wake up.
Mk:I'm all soaked now!!
Red:Sounds like a personal problem.I'm going to head to the house,Coming?

Mk got out of the water and they started walking but Mk was shaking,The water was freezing and now he was starting to get cold.

Redson felt slightly bad and gave him his jacket.
Mk put it on and rubbed up against Red to get warm.

They walked and made in infront of the house and Red walked in but Mk stood outside.

Red:What's wrong?
Red:It'll be fine..He's not mad at you.
Mk:But I ran away yesterday,I yelled at him..What if he doesn't want me back!!
Red:I'm sure he does,Come on,I can see you shaking still you need to change.

Mk and Red walked in and They were meet by the smell of food.Macaque had cooked them breakfast but he wasn't there.

Macaque had also left a note that said:

"Hey I'm out getting some more food and stuff so I won't be back till the afternoon. please go and train as well.


Red:He's not even here.See you had nothing to worry about.
Mk:Forget about that,He made food!!
Red:Of course you're more worried about food.

Mk and Red sat down and ate,after Mk went and changed into dry clothes.He didn't change before eating because.FOOD.

Mk and Red went back outside and stretched.
Then began Training.By training I mean flirting half of the time.

Nearing the afternoon,Mk and Red went inside to rest for a moment.

Mk and Red went to Mk's room and Mk went to check on his butterflies.He had grabbed a few flowers from outside and gave it to them and watched the flutter around.

Red:You really like them,don't you?
Mk:Yeah.They are really pretty.
Red:Indeed.But you know what else is?

Redson pulled Mk in for a kiss and placed on on his cheek.

Mk:aAa-Red!!Mk blushed*
Mac:I see you two are still cringy.

Redson let go of Mk and Macaque walked over to Mk.Mk grew nervous,Even though he knew macaque was sorry he was still scared Macaque would change his mind.

Mac:Hey kid..I'm sorry.I should've told you ab-
Mk:It's fine.Really.
Mk:It's ok.I forgive you.

Mk didn't want an apology he just wanted things to move past them.

Mac:Ok then..Did you two train?
Mac:Alright,I'm going to go make lunch.

Macaque walked out and Mk went back to look at the butterflies and one of them,Blaze,the Red one,Was laid down at the bottom of the container.

Mk grew worried as he opened the container a bit to see if blaze was okay.Mk gently tapped Blaze and got nothing.He was gone.Mk began to start sobbing.

Red:Ah-Noodle boy what's wrong?!

Red went and hugged Mk.

Mk:H-He's dead!!
Red:Your butterfly?
Red:Well it was going to happen eventually..What about Dulcie?
Mk:She's barley Moving!!
Red:Oh,What do you want to do with them?
Mk:I don't know..
Red:Do you want to bury Blaze?And let Dulcie go?
Mk:*He sniffed*Yeah..

Redson grabbed the container and They walked outside and made a hole for Blaze and buried him.Mk released Dulcie and she began to flutter her wings and then she took off.

(I'm so sorry.)Dulcie began to fly but then a bird swooped down and Took her away.Mk stood there in shock and started crying again.

They went back inside later after Mk calmed down and Macaque asked what happened and they told him.Macaque gave them lunch and they all ate.

After they cleaned up Macaque took Mk outside to try,Once again, and turn back to human.

Mk tried.He couldn't get it.Macaque Didn't know why he couldn't just turn back but he ended up just going back inside leaving Mk out there by himself.

Red walked out a few minutes later to see Mk struggling to try and turn back.Red sat down next to Mk which startled him a bit.

Red:Still can't get it?
Mk:Nope.*Mk laid down*
Red:You're going to get all dirty.
Mk:Oh well.
Red:*He sighed*Do you want me to try and help you?
Mk:Not to be rude,but I don't think you would understand this.
Red:We'll let's give it a shot.
Mk:Ok then.

Mk sat back up and Red shifted infront of him.

Red:Take my hand.
Mk:Ok!*He held Red son hands and blushed*
Red:Now I want you to breath in and out and think about being human again.
Mk:But I've already tried this..
Red:Try it again.
Mk:*He sighed*Ok.

Mk closed his eyes and Tried to imagine it but he couldn't stay focused.

Mk:Ugh.It's useless.
Mk:I'm going to be stuck like this forever!!
Red:Let me try one more thing.

Red leaned in and kissed Mk and Mk blushed and Leaned into the kiss this time his mind set on what this had to do with.


Red:See,I knew I could help.
Mk:This makes no sense?!
Red:Oh well.
Mk:Wait!!Explain this!!Now!!

Redson got up and walked away while Mk sat there questioning what he's even been doing this whole time.

Look.Don't question how that worked.It just did.I think Reds a magician.

I did Dulcie dirty.But like funny story,

I was hanging with my cousin when I was way younger and her neighbors came out and played with us.Her neighbors had just got a net to catch crap,So we tried to catch crickets and Butterflies which we eventually caught a butterfly.We messed around with it for a bit then decided to let it go.
When we did a bird came by and was like "OOoO free food?For me?Don't mind if I do." And snatch that butterfly up.We all laughed like physcopaths.

Have a good day/Night BUHH BYEEEeeeeeEeEa.

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