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Macaque and Redson froze.

Mk:Macaque?Red?What do you mean?*He started to grow tears in his eyes*
Mk:What do you mean?!
Mac:Mk I was going to tell you soon.
Red:Noodle boy-

Mk turned to Redson.

Mk:You knew about this too..?You knew about Mei..

Redson stayed silent.

Mk:WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS TELL ME!!*Tears started to roll down his face*
Mac:Mk.I was-
Red:I'm sorry noodle boy..
Mk:I thought I could trust you Red..
Red:No,Noodle boy-

Mk turned around and ran.(Running away from his problems..Sounds like me-)

Macaque and Redson stood there for a while feeling guilty.

Mk ran for a while and didn't know where he was but that was fine he didn't want to be around anyone right now.

He sat down near a tree and brought his kness to his chest and placed his arms around them and started heavy sobbing.

Mk had cried for about 2 hours before feeling tired and decided to lay his head down.He ended up falling asleep for a while but when he woke up he woke up to a strange noise.

'Ding'  it was from Redson.

Mk didn't want to check it.So he placed his device away from him.

'Ding'  another one.

Mk grew curious and nervous and grabbed the device to check it.Mk sighed as he went to look at it.

"Noodle boy I'm sorry,I should have told you."

"Please come back."

Mk only wanted to cry more after he read them, Which he did.

Mk responded by saying,

"Leave me alone."

Mk felt betrayed.Like he was just a rag being tossed around from mentor to mentor for each of them to screw up.It wasn't fair,He's trying.

Redson was worried,Mk ran away and had been missing for 4 hours now.Macaque was also worried but didn't want to go and find Mk because he knew Mk would only be more mad at him.

Nearing 4 hours and half from when Mk left,Redson decided that enough was enough and he was going to go and look for Mk,even if it takes all night.

Mk's eyes were Irritated by now because of all the crying he had been doing.He was tired,exhausted,sad,mad and more.he was a mess.

Mk still sat by that tree,Tears stained his faces,Some new ones still coming down.

Redson yelled for Mk most of the time hoping he would hear him and come to him or would say something took him about 2 hours to find Mk.

Redson heard shuffling and sniffling coming from around a tree so he went to go and check it out and Lo and behold it was Mk.

Red:Noodle boy?

Redson heard a squeak and moved infront of the tree and saw Mk.

Red:Noodle boy!I was worried,Are you ok?!

Redson kneeled down and held onto Mk's cheeks brushing away tears.

Mk:Go away.
Red:Noodle boy..I'm sorry..
Mk:I don't care,Leave me alone.
Red:I wanted to tell you,I swear!
Mk:So Why didn't you?!

Redson could feel Mk shaking.He felt sorry.He really did want to tell Him.

Red:Noodle boy-
Red:It's stupid..
Mk:Tell me!!
Red:I..I though that if you found out about her you would go and run away back to her and forget about me..Like I said it's stupid and I-

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