Haha .23

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Norla..BRO.I really liked your theory and honestly you're is way better then what I had in mind.So I would like to use it..But with a Few twist >:D

I give you Full credit though!!

@NorlaChing (Here is their @)

(idk if I'm doing the @ right)


Mk had made it to Flower fruit mountain after a long trip.

When he got off the staff he fell to the floor,when he got up and dusted himself off he saw someone.


Mac:Hey kid..I see you're back to being a monkey.
Mk: ..Yeah..
Mac:I'm...sorry about earlier..Let's go fine your Fire boy?
Mk:...Thank you..*His tail began to shift side to side*
Mac:Yeah yeah,Let's go.

Macaque and Mk walked up the steps all the way to the top and when they got to the waterfall curtains Mk opened it up and they went inside.

The first thing they noticed was..The whole place was a mess.

Trash everywhere.

Mac:Jeez this place is filthy.
Mac:He probably threw a tantrum.

They continued to look around a bit more and then they heard movement so went over to it.

While they walked towards the noise they noticed a picture frame.

Mk saw two little monkeys,one black one golden.

Macaque had remembered memories.Ones he wished he could forget.But they were ingrained in the head.Forever.

When they eventually made it to the noise They looked around and saw Redson tied up struggling to get out with Monkie king sitting next to him.

Mac:This was the most stupidest thing you could've done.
Mk:I WOULD have considered going to spend time with both of you,
Mk:But not anymore!!I HATE you!!You're Ruining everything!!You're inconsiderate!!And-
Red:See I told you he'd be mad.
Mk:Red!*His tail began to wag*

Mk ran up to Redson and hugged him wrapping his tail around him.

Mk:Red..Did he hurt you?Did he do anything to you?What happened?Are you-
Red:Noodle boy,I'm fine.

Mk tightened his hug on redson.

Red:Noodle boy..
Red:I'm okay,seriously.

Mk stood up and turned towards Sun wukong.

Sun wukong was thrown off by Mk being a monkey but he was also a little disappointed in his self for not realizing that,Yes infact this was stupid of him.
But he felt a little justified.

Sun:Mk..I'm sorry.I-
Mk:Shut up.
Sun:But I jus-
Mk:I said shut up!!

Without thinking, Mk's body reacted by punching Sun wukong which sent him a little back.

(Remember when he was a Monkie before?He still isn't completely in control of his emotions while being transformed :D )

Redson grew surprised.He hadn't seen Mk react this way before.

Macaque was impressed.(Taught Mk well 😌
Too well? 🫢)

Sun wukong rubbed his face and then looked down as Mk walked over to him.

Sun:I will..Bu-

Sun wukong released the spell he had placed on the ropes.

Redson got out of them and stood up to stretch.

Mk:Now,You are going to Leave me Alone!!

It went quiet.

Sun wukong looked Up at Mk,Mk's eyes had tears in them.

Sun:I'm sorry..
Mk:Sorry isn't going to fix anything!!
Sun:Bud..Look,I'm trying..I want the best for you..And this isn't it.I was willing to keep your little rebel thing a secret.I brought Mei back for you!

Mk Was mad.All Sun Wukong did was screw things up.But so did he.

Mk knew he was trying.But he could only see the bad he did.That's all people ever see.The worst in anybody.

Because Mk was mad,Once again,his body's reaction was to hit.

Mk began to start hitting Sun wukong again and again.Not soft,But aggressively.

He didn't stop.He cried as he did.

Redson and Macaque grew a little nervous But they knew that Sun wukong wouldn't hurt Mk.
Even if it killed him.

Sun:Please..Mk..What do I have to do for you to come back!!

Mk began punched and scratch Sun wukong harder.

He just took it.He didn't want to hurt Mk.He felt like he deserved it.

Mk eventually stopped and started crying even harder.

Redson came over and Mk jumped into his arms.

Sun wukong got up and winched as he was wounded by the scratching and bruised by the punches from Mk.

Macaque came over and checked on Mk.Mk didn't speak when they asked him a question.

He would just choke on his sobs.

Sun wukong stood there feeling bad.His kid was crying and wasn't doing anything to help.

Macaque turned and looked at Monkie king.He noticed he was hurt pretty badly.

Mac:You messed up big time,Didn't you?
Sun: ...
Mac:Can't even answer.
Sun:I just want him back..I miss my kid..
Mac:Yeah well,You screwed that chance up when you took his little boyfriend.

Mk began to calm down a bit but still held onto Redson.

Red:You feeling better?
Red:It's going to be okay..
Mk:No It's not!!Ive messed everything up!!HE messed everything up!!
Red:Don't say that..
Mk:It's true!!And you know it!Macaque knows it!And Mei and Pigsy's and-

Redson Grabbed Mk face which hushed him.

Red:Noodle boy..Everything's going to be okay.Even if it's not now,It will eventually.Trust me.

Mk started to tear up again,Redson placed a kiss on his forehead.

Mk let go of Redson a few moments later and turned around to look back at Sun wukong.

Mk:Look,We both messed up.But just leave me alone.I'm not YOUR kid!!
Sun:Your not HIS either!!*He pointed to Macaque*
Mac:He's not an object you idiot!
Mk:This will be a lot easier if you just let me go,forget about me,You've messed with me enough!!
Sun:Bud,Stop this.This isn't you!!
Mk:Then you don't know me!!
Sun:He's tricking you Mk!Im not the bad guy!!

Mk throw a punch again but this time it had a golden burst behind it which sent Monkie king to the wall.

Mk felt weird.His gold vision activated and it started flickering colors.Yellow to purple.

Mk was confused and fell back.He didn't know what was going on.

Mk shut his eyes and tried to stop it.But it didn't work.


Do you just ever wish you could forget?Forget someone who wronged you,loved you,cared for you,hurt you.It's hard to forget,Easy to forgive.But why forgive?They did you wrong.They loved you.They cared for you.They hurt you.

That seemed personal
and it was 🫤
Thanks father 😃

I give credit to @NorlaChing !!

Have a good Day/night BUYG BYYYYO!!

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