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After dinner Redson and Mk went back to Reds room where Red gave Mk some clothes and showed him to the bathroom.

Mk bathed and then Red did.

PIF came by while Red was in the bath and showed Mk where the guest bedroom was.

Mk stayed in there for a while,It was quiet.It was cold.He didn't feel right.

Mk laid in his thoughts,Remembering the fight Macaque and Monkie king had.

Monkie king.He was still looking for Mk.And Mk knew he wouldn't stop till he got him.

Macaque.Where is Macaque?Why didn't he come and get Mk?What happened to him?

Mk felt scared.He just wanted everything to be okay.
But he knew that wouldn't happen.

He's Made Sun wukong Worry and stressed to much that Mk was starting to feel like he had done enough.But it wasn't.

'Knock knock'

Mk shot up and looked at the door and Redson opened the door and walked over to Mk.

Mk:You look pretty with your hair down!!

Redson forgot to put his hair back up after his bath.

Red:Thank you.If you need anything you should know where my room is.
Mk:I have a question.
Red:This isn't a school-What is it?
Mk:Is it true your hair flared up when ever I'm Mentioned?
Red:I-Good night.*He turned a bright Pink*
Mk:Good night!!

Redson placed a kiss on Mk's forehead and walked away shutting the door behind him.

Mk laid back down again drowning in his thoughts.

He just wish things went his way.But He was ruining everything in his life And everyone's life.

Mk didn't realize how long he had been in his thoughts but it was late.He tried to sleep but couldn't.

He just kept thinking.His mind won't stop running.It was annoying.He hated it.He just wanted to sleep.

He shut his eyes and again opened them as he couldn't sleep.

He laid there.Staring at the ceiling.He then decided to get up and walk out of the room.

He walked down the hall and knocked on Redson door.Redson sleepily opened the door.

Mk:Sorry..I know it's late but I-
Red:Can't sleep?
Red:Come on.

Mk walked in and Red shut the door and they went to go and lay down.Redson Wrapped his arms around Mk

Mk felt warm.

His mind stopped flooding with thoughts.He could hear the quiet breaths from Redson as he slept.

It's wasn't quiet.It wasn't cold.His mind was blank.

This felt right.

He finally closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day Mk woke up alone in bed.He saw a clock and checked the time.

'12:30 pm.'


Redson was sat at his desk working on blue prints for his next project.

Mk:Why didn't you wake me up?!
Red:I tried,But you didn't want to wake up so I left you and you kept shuffling around so I assume you were having a dream.

Not a dream.A nightmare.Those thoughts he had the night before had gave him a nightmare of bad memories.Memory's trapped at the top of his mind.

Red:Are you hungry?
Red:Ok,one moment.

Redson got up and left the room shutting the door behind him.

Mk got up and stretched a bit.Red walked back in with a plate of food and handed it to Mk.

Mk ate it while Red continued to work on his blue print.

Mk,being curious,Wanted to see what Red was working on.

Mk:What are you doing?
Mk:On what?
Red:A project.
Mk:What is it?
Red:New installments for a few bots I'm building.
Mk:That sounds cool!

Mk walked away and went to go look out a window.He didn't see much.Just a lot of lava.

Mk thought.He was thinking about Macaque.Where is he?

Mk:Hey red..
Mk:Do..You know Where Macaque is?
Red:To be honest,all I know is he left the house after you got taken.
Mk:Hm..Where else could he be?
Red:Beats me.Do you know anywhere else he would be?
Mk:Well I've only ever see him at..His Dojo!! I'll be back!!
Red:No.I'm coming with you if you're leaving.
Mk:Ok then!!Come on!!

Mk put on his shoes and Red did as well.Redson also gave Mk a jacket to put on and cover up so he wouldn't be found.

They left and headed off for Macaques dojo.

A while later after arriving in town they were meet with Monkie king.A clone.They walked another way.

Mk knew that Monkie king was worried and just wanted his successors back.But he was to far in now to just come back.

Another One.There were Monkie kings everywhere.
Mk and Redson eventually made it to the dojo after running into like 8 more Monkie kings.

When they got there they saw Macaque and Mk ran up to him.

Mac:Jeez kid!!What took you so long!!
Mk:Sorry..What Happened?!
Mac:Erm.Well,After My little fight with Sun wukong I went to go find you,But you were gone so I tried to go and get you from your room but..I couldn't.
Mac:It was like some sort of restriction.I wasn't allowed in,Which I'm assuming Sun wukong had something to do with this.
Mk:Hm.That sounds like something he would do..
Mac:Where have you been?And why did it take so long to get here!!
Mk:Oh,He took me Back home and I saw my friends..and I tried to leave but Monkie king caught me.But I tried again and I made it to Reds.
Mac:Is he looking for you?

After talking a bit more They all decided here wasn't the safest place right now with Monkie king's on the loose looking for them.

They left and made their way to Red sons place moving around sneakily as to not be seen my the Clones.

Hi.I hope you guys are doing okay.I just want to say a reminder that you are perfect.No matter the size,color,gender or anything!You're the best you.
And show it off!!

I'm working on the next few parts at the same times so it might come out at the normal rate of every 1-2 day I publish a part or multiple might come out,Depends on if I proof read or if I feel like it.🫗

Also,again,Sorry if I'm making Mk confusing.He does and doesn't regret his decision.He likes his new life but misses his old one.He's confused.He doesn't want to say anything though as he's scared of what the others will think.Or what might happen.

Have a good day/night BUH BYYUYYYYYYYYYE

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